Control block for the 'Kronasteel Gala 600 inox' kitche hood based on atmega8/48/88/168/328 microcontroller
- Manage light;
- Manage 3 speed fan;
- Adjustable timers for light and fan.
#Timer activation:
- Hold one of channel button (light or fan speeds) about 2,5 second till LED indicator starts blink (0.5 sec in turn on and 0.5 sec in turn off state);
- Count 3 blinks of indicator to set timer for 30 minutes (each blink = 10 minutes);
- Release the button - the channel function is activated, indicator blinks with low intencive (1 sec in turn on and 1 sec in turn off state) till timer is stopped;
- Timer can be disabled by clicking same button again;
#Power cord pinout:
- grey
- brown
- black - fan 3
- blue - fan 2
- red - fan 1
- white - light
#Usefull link:
- - supporting of atmega 8/48/88/168 for ArduinoIDE;
- - the library of buttons states and debouner for Arduino IDE.
#Flash atmega48:
- Burn 'Arduino as ISP' sketch;
- Pin Arduino board to atmega48 board on a breadboard;
- Set Tools -> Programmer -> Arduino as ISP;
- Set Tools -> Board -> Atmega48;
- Set Tools -> Clock -> 8MHz internal;
- Flash controller by Sketch -> Upload Using Programmer.
#Trouble shooting If clear atmega48/88 is used and it works too slowly, you need to set correct fuse:
avrdude -c avrisp -p m48p -P /dev/cu.usbmodem1411 -b 19200 -U lfuse:w:0xE2:m -v
#Thanks for help Виктор ! Михалин [email protected]