Releases: akriese/shrineOS
Implements threads that can be scheduled with a round robin algorithm.
An example program lets the user press characters starting threads that print that character a couple times.
The system timer is used to initiate context switches between the threads.
What's Changed
- refactor(main): let user choose example program by @akriese in #11
- implement threads and context switches with system timer by @akriese in #12
Full Changelog: u03...u04
The slightly late release of interrupt handling with system timer and dbgu.
Created dummy exception handlers, performing a memory remap upon startup, wrote some convenience helper functions for printing memory and registers.
This progress is released for the first tutorial homework.
You can try it out by running make all & make run
in one shell, while running make minicom
in another.
In the minicom shell, you should be able to type keys and get a reaction from the OS.
Have fun trying it out :)