This project is a tutorial for learning pytest, based on book "Python testing with pytest"
How to create virtualenv
$ pip3 install -U virtualenv
$ python3 -m virtualenv -p $(which python3) python-testing-with-pytests
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install pytest
How to activate virtualenv
source <project-name>/bin/activate
How to understand, that you're in venv
pip -V
How to deactivate virtualenv
In order to see all installed packages in current env: pip list
In order to run tests - go to the desired directory and run pytest
or pytest tasks/
or pytest tasks/
Run one test
$ pytest -v tasks/
Option | Description | Example |
--collect-only | shows all modules and functions | pytest tasks/ --collect-only |
-k | allows to select tests via expression | pytest tasks/ -k "asdict" --collect-only OR pytest -v --tb=no -k="add and get" --collect-only |
-m | run tests with specified decorator | pytest tasks/ -m run_these_please |
-x, -exitfirst | if used, running stops on 1 failure | pytest -x |
-maxfail=num | max couts of tests, which can be failed | pytest -maxfail=2 |
--tb=no | disabled showing traceback | pytest --tb=no |
--tb=short | provides short info about error | pytest --tb=no |
--tb=line | shows 1 line of error | pytest --tb=line |
-s | allows to see print statement in console | pytest -s |
--lf | allows to rerun failed tests | pytest --lf |
--ff | runs firstly 1 fail and then all other tests | pytest --ff |
-v | allows to see add info | pytests -v |
-q | increases info about test running to minimum | pytest -q |
--showlocals -l | shows local variables, if test fails | pytest -l |
--durations=N | shows the N numbers slowest tests | pytest --durations=3# python-testing-with-pytests |
-c <path-to-config-file/pytest.ini> | allows to specify path to pytest.ini file. by default it tries to find it in cur dir | pytest -v -m 'smoke' -c tests/pytest.ini |
-rs | reason of skipping test | pytest -rs |
-s | allows to know additional info about errors/passed, etc., to see print statements! | |
--setup-show | show log of fixtures, what they actually do | pytest --setup-show |
--fixtures .py | allows to see all fixtures, which used in this test file | pytest --fixtures |
--cache-show | shows last failures info | pytest --cache-show |
--clear-cache | clear cache before session | pytest --clear-cache |
--doctest-modules | allows to test function in docstrings | pytest --doctest-modules |
We can debug our tests, using built-it --pdb. With -x (1 failed tests) pdb opens for 1 failed test. Options:
Option | Description |
p/print expr | print the value of exp |
pp epxr | pretty prints the value of expr. |
l/list | list the point of failure and 5 lines of code above and below |
l/list begin, end | list specific line numbers. |
a/args | print args of current fnction |
u/up | Move up 1 level in the stack trace. |
d/down | Moves down 1 level in the stack trace. |
q | Quits the debugging session |
For running single test
pytest /path/to/<test-module-name>.py::<test-method>.py
For running class
pytest /path/to/<test-module-name>.py::<test-class>
For running method in class
pytest /path/to/<test-module-name>.py::<test-class>::<test-method>.py
In order to run parametrized function directly with parameteres (use quotes, if there're any spaces)
pytest -v "[sleep-None-False]"
By using a yield statement instead of return, all the code after the yield statement serves as the teardown code: When you use return, all code after return doesn't execute