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Developer Guide

David Karnok edited this page Feb 8, 2022 · 2 revisions


The page aims to detail how to start developing in the Open Imperium Galactica project.

Setting up the development environment

Hardware requirements

  • 64 bit CPU/operating system and at least 4GB RAM recommended.

Main software requirements

Download and install the latest Java Development Kit (JDK), version 8 or later. 64 bit recommended. I also recommend JDK 17 or later as it appears to perform better regarding both the game logic and the Swing 2D rendering.

Download and install the latest Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE), version 4.22.0 as of now. The standard Eclipse IDE for Java Developers version is enough. 64 bit recommended.

Eclipse plugins

The source files are hosted in a Git repository and no separate plugin is required for that. (It used to be hosted as an SVN back in the Google Code days which did require a separate plugin.)

The Eclipse-CS plugin is required to ensure the coding style in the project.

Git checkout

Checkout the project from into your workspace. You should now see the src, audio, data and other directories in the project.

git clone

To add the game videos, create a new directory named video in the project root. From the install folder, unzip all files with open-ig-video in their name. Once done, you should see the en, hu, generic, etc. subdirectories.

Activating Checkstyle

For the development, the style checking plugin needs to be setup and activated. To do so, right click on the project name in the project view, and chose Properties.

Locate the Checkstyle entry and on the right, chose Local Checkstyle Configurations tab. Here, click on New..., chose Project relative configuration from Type: dropdown, give it a name and click on Browse... and locate the checkstyle.xml inside the project root folder. Click OK buttons until you get back to the project properties dialog.

Now chose the main Main tab of the Checkstyle settings, and from the Simple - ... dropdown box, chose the name you specified before.

Click OK again, right click on the project root and chose Checkstyle > Activate Checkstyle.

Running and debugging the game

The game's main entry point is the hu.openig.Startup class. Using Debug as Java application won't work properly unless you specify some JVM and application parameters.

First, run the class hu.openig.Startup and you should see the main menu pop up. Quit, then, select Debug configurations... from the debug icon's dropdown menu. Locate the Java Application node and a Startup below that which was just created.

On the right, switch to Arguments and enter -memonce into the Program arguments text field, and enter -Xmx1G into the VM arguments.

Now if you set a breakpoint in Startup.main, you should get the application stop there.

Note that the current requirements for the game is to run with 832MB Java memory. When doing code changes while debugging the game, that amount is usually inadequate, thus the 1GB. Generally, if you do developments that increase the memory consumption of the game, you should always test the game with the -Xmx832M settings.

Points of interest

This is a simple list of where things can be found in the source code. I'll omit the package names here. The CTRL+SHIFT+T in Eclipse lets you find the classes easily.

Purpose Classes
Game settings. Configuration
Main entry point. Startup
The game's main window. GameWindow
Main rendering surface. GameWindow.ScreenRenderer
General UI images and sound. CommonResources, *GFX
Game main object World
Interesting game world objects Player, Planet, Fleet, InventoryItem, ResearchType
Game model objects BuildingModel, PlanetSurface, BattleModel
Battle objects SpacewarStructure, GroundwarUnit, GroundwarGun
Statusbar StatusbarScreen
Various screens *Screen
Drawing text TextRenderer
User interface UIComponent, UIContainer, UIMouse, ScreenBase
General keyboard management GameKeyManager
Game mechanics Simulator, Radar
AI AI, AITrader, AIPirate, AIUser, *Planner
Main campaign scripts Mission*