Google Chrome Tab Management Extension - Merge, Sort, split and more :)
- Merge
- merges all windows
- Sort
- sort tabs by domain and titles
- can sort all windows or just a single one
- configurable in option window
- Split
- splits a window in 2 ( by default )
- can be change to 3 or 4 in option window (new)
- windows can be seen side by side if the option is checked (new)
- Shuffle
- will shuffle the tabs within the current window (it's just fun xD)
- Save
- save current window to a text file
- links are shortened using google URL Shortener
- the file content is sorted by page title
- Deduplicate
- remove deplicate open url tabs from current window
- Options (new)
- open the extension option window
- options need to be saved to persist
-> problem css imports ignored -> it's [email protected] fault fix Here
Automatically suspend tab after a configurable delay to save memory ??Isolate a single domain in a separate windowsUnite - bring all tabs of a domain in the same current windowClose a domain- Isolate all domains with more than 5 tabs in a window for each domain and mingle the rest of them into 1 window.
- Upgrade split function to split left on current tab - split Here
- Stress test split function and memory management