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ProToFormer: Sequence-Structure Embeddings via Protein Language Models Improve on Prediction Tasks


  • SCOP data: URL

Model hyperparameters

* task="SF"
* max_len=1024           # maximum length of which the dataset generation process will padd/truncate
* dim_embed=20           # dim_embed must be divisible by num_head
* n_attn_heads=10        # number of attention heads
* dim_ff=2*dim_embed     # feed forward network dimension is set as 2*dim_embed
* n_encoder_layers=6
* dropout=0.3
* init_lr=0.001
* n_epochs=300
* batch_size=50


  • Separate class labels from the downloaded dataset: python generators/
    • Input file: data/splits/scop-cla-latest.txt
    • Output file: data/splits/cleaned_after_separating_class_labels.txt
  • Download PDB, clean and generate fasta: python generators/
    • Input file: data/splits/cleaned_after_separating_class_labels.txt
    • Output file: data/splits/cleaned_after_pdbs_downloaded.txt
  • Update sequence length: python generators/
    • Input/Output file: data/splits/cleaned_after_pdbs_downloaded.txt
  • Generate features: python generators/
    • Input file: data/splits/cleaned_after_pdbs_downloaded.txt
    • Output file: data/splits/cleaned_after_feature_computation.txt
  • Copy: cp data/splits/cleaned_after_feature_computation.txt data/splits/all_cleaned.txt
  • Check feature correctness: python generators/
    • Input file: data/splits/all_cleaned.txt
    • The issues will be reported in: data/splits/tracebacks.txt
  • Divide the cleaned data into train/val/test set as 70/15/15: python generators/
    • Input file: data/splits/all_cleaned.txt
    • Output file:
      • data/splits/train_24538.txt: (24538, 17)
      • data/splits/val_4458.txt: (4458, 17)
      • data/splits/test_5862.txt: (5862, 17)
  • Exclude classes that has less than n (default 10) data points.
    • Input file: data/splits/all_cleaned.txt
    • Output file:
      • data/splits/excluding_classes_having_less_than_n_datam.txt
      • data/splits/only_excluded_classes_having_less_than_n_datam.txt
  • Copy: cp data/splits/excluding_classes_having_less_than_n_datam.txt data/splits/all_cleaned_excluded.txt
  • Divide the excluded data into train/val/test set as 70/15/15: python generators/
    • Input file: data/splits/all_cleaned_excluded.txt
    • Output file:
      • data/splits/train_19828.txt: (19828, 18)
      • data/splits/val_4106.txt: (4106, 18)
      • data/splits/test_4410.txt: (4410, 18)
  • Analyze data to setup hyperparameters: python analyzers/
  • Train and test the model: python models/


  • To analize data: python analyzers/
  • To analize single datam when generating dataset: python analyzers/
  • To vizualize the training progress: tensorboard --logdir=outputs/tensorboard_runs/
  • To download the runs outputs: scp -r [email protected]:/scratch/akabir4/scop_classification/outputs/tensorboard_runs/* outputs/tensorboard_runs/
  • To download the val/test outputs: scp -r [email protected]:/scratch/akabir4/scop_classification/outputs/predictions/* outputs/predictions/

Data issues and resolution

  • If len(chain_id)>1: removed
  • 3iyo:D contains CA for all residues: removed
  • If DSSP cannot compute SS/RASA for a residue_id, the value is set as SS="-" (Coil) and RASA=0.5 (neither exposed nor buried).
  • If an atom (i.e CA or CB) is not found while computing Contact-map, the value is set as 0.0 as they are in contact.
  • If a chain region looks like this "A:1-272,A:312-378", skip.
  • 6qwj: does not exist
  • 1ejg: Bio.PDB.PDBExceptions.PDBConstructionException: Blank altlocs in duplicate residue SER (' ', 22, ' ')
  • 3msz: does not have 93 atom at chain A.
  • DSSP failed (only contains CA atoms):

3rd party Softwares

  • DSSP installation:
    • sudo apt install dssp, or
    • Install anaconda and then conda install -c salilab dssp


If the model is found useful, we request to cite the relevant paper:

  author={Kabir, Anowarul and Shehu, Amarda},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graph (ICKG)}, 
  title={Sequence-Structure Embeddings via Protein Language Models Improve on Prediction Tasks}, 
  keywords={Location awareness;Soft sensors;Semantics;Training data;Predictive models;Transformers;Protein sequence;Protein language model;Transformer;Sequence structure transformer;Protein function;superfamily},


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