The main goal of this project is to design and implement a web application using Flask and SQLite3 to store data in a database and display it on the server. This project aims to provide a practical demonstration of creating a simple yet effective data management system.
In this project, we mainly focus on the displaying data using python. First, we find dataset from Kaggle. Here, we get unfiltered dataset as it contains missing values and unnecessary columns. In order to work with data, we first need to do data processing. Therefore, in data_processing
folder we created one .ipynb
file which contains code to handle missing values and drop unnecessary columns. At the end, it generate one clear and well-structured CSV file into database
In the next step, we use that filtered CSV file to store data into database using code written in
. Here, saved our data into titanic.db
file which generated in website
folder. To perform this operation, we used some python libraries such as Pandas, Sqlite3 and Pathlib.
In the Last step, we created one
python file to run the server using Flask
module. Also, with the html files stored in templates
folder display data on the server. In about.html
file we mention description regarding dataset like where we found it and what all column state for. With the help of flask syntax and html structure we display our sample data in the tabular format.
First clone the repository then run the project into your computer. First run this command pip install -r requirements.txt
as it contains all necessary libraries required to run this project. Then go to website
folder and open terminal and then type command python
- Pandas : For data manipulation and analysis and present data in well-structure format.
- Sqlite3 : Store data into database
- Pathlib : Retrieve path of each file