Term Project for Designing Human Centered Software
Node.js, MongoDB, Facebook Graph API, Foursquare API, Venmo API, Foundation, jQuery, Jade, Mongoose
================================ Overview: An application that will allow students to exchange their blocks & DineX for real money
================================ Installing Node:
Installing Nodemon (Automatically updates Node so you don't have to restart the server on every file change): https://github.com/remy/nodemon
================================ MongoDB
- To access mongo shell, type mongo into terminal
- Shell commands found in link under Getting Started
================================ Running the application on your local machine:
- Go to node application directory -> i.e. usr/Documents/webapps/dinewithdinex
- Type in terminal
npm install
mongod (starts mongodb, may be different for Windows and Linux/Ubuntu)
nodemon app
- Open web browser to -> localhost:3333 (or a different port if specified)
================================ References:
Foudnation Responsive Framework: http://foundation.zurb.com/learn/features.html
Node: Express - http://expressjs.com/guide.html
MongoDB: http://try.mongodb.org/
Mongoose: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/guide.html
Currency - https://www.npmjs.org/package/mongoose-currency
Jade: http://jade-lang.com/