To control traffic lights efficiently based on traffic congestion.
Time sharing based but efficiency is achieved by adopting following techniques
- green light will be "on" only when vehicles presence on the lane.
- add more time to lanes when high congession occurs
- periodical processing of traffic lanes
- Application written in Python and c++ ( refer at cpp folder for more info about c++ ) and runs in windows environment
- Vehicle present in lanes is detected by sensors and web cams
- Sensors if used to detect traffic, must be connected to Arduino board and Arduino board connected to application windows machine via serial port. Application will communicate with application running in Arduino to read sensor data. Application will determine presence of traffic by received values of Sensor data.
- Web cams are directly connected to windows machine and images of vehicle movements on lanes are detected and processed by Python/OpenCV
- Virtual Traffic Lights or if LEDs are used as traffic lights they must be connected to Arduino board and application communicates with Arduino to on/off LEDs
This Model has been built to work under following software/hardware environments
- Windows 10 home
- Python 3.9.6
- OpenCV 4.5.2
- PySerial 3.5
- Web Cams
- Arduino components if using
- Arduino GUI 1.8.15
- Arduino UNO board
- TCRT 5000 reflective optical IR sensors
- LEDs as Trafic lights
- py sit1.txt
System Initialization Table is passed as first parameter- sit1.txt -- demonstrate 4 lane traffic
- sit2.txt -- demonstrate 3 lane trrafic with pedestrian crossing
- sit3.txt -- demonstrate 3 lane traffic with pedestrian crossing with virtual traffic lights which use no arduino components and use web cams to detect traffic.
- before starting the application if arduino components are used
- tfrcntl.ino Arduino file under “tfrcntl” folder must be uploaded to Arduino board using Arduino GUI
- All sensors and LEDs must be checked
- All web cams must be checked
Configuration information is given to application using tables which are JSON based data structures
This is the main table (sit1.tx) which specifies information of other tables
videom - Lane Definition Table which defines sensor and web cam information
videop - Priority Assign Table which is used assign more time to when high congetsion occurs in lanes ( Optional )
tlc - Traffic Light Control table where traffic lights data are specified
comps - Arduino board info ( Optional )
c1 - board id, there can be more than one board connecting sensors and LEDs
COM3 - is the port this board connects to application running machine
9600 - baud rate, data transfer rate of application running machine serial port and Arduino board
5 - time out will occur if unable to connect with Arduino within this time period ( milliseconds )
2 - wait time to connect with Arduino ( milliseconds )
{ "lane":1, "type":"s", "prtyid":["lane1-1"], "maxt":5, "skipc":0, "debug":"Y",
"parms": { "sensor":"A0 "comport":"c1", "sensorid":"s1", "rdelay":1, "rtime":200, "srtm":150 } },
{ "lane":2, "type":"c", "maxt":5, "skipc":0, "debug":"Y",
"parms": { "cam":0, "camid":"cam1", "camtype":" ", "detectarea":[360,230,200,250], "rotate":"-50",
"mincarea":1500, "rdelay":0.1, "rtime":1, "viewcam":1 } }
lane - lane id
type - 's' for sensor manage lane 'c' for web cam manage lane
prtyid - priority id, to add more time to high congestion lanes.
coresponding to this, entry in the priority Assign Table must be added
maxt - maximum time allocated to lane in seconds
skipc - processing frequency, to skip processing lanes (less congested) for spcfied
no of processing cycles
debug - 'y' or 'n' if 'y' - application will print debug info on console
parms -
For Sensors
sensor - Analog pin of the Arduino, sensor is connected to ex. A0
sensorid - Id assign to sensor
comport - Arduino board id this sensor is connected to which is defined in system
initialization table
srtm - Min value read from sensor to determine traffic is present in the lane
rtime - Time in milliseconds sensor should be read continuesly to determine if traffic is
presented in the lane
rdelay - Time in milliseconds to wait before beginning reading cycle from sensor again
Desirable values for srtm, rtime and rdelay can be found out by running
For Cams
cam - Number ex. 0,1,2.. Windows will assign a number to a cam
camid - Id assign to Cam
If cam is used to monitor more than one lane same id must be specified when that lane's
entry in the lane definition table
camtype - Not relevant
rotate - rotate frame ( not available to c++ module )
this to get lanes verticle
for example rotate = "-55" rortate frame clock wise 55 degrees
This feature allows to install cam at any possition and also use same cam to monitor many lanes
Refer check cam section below for more information.
detectarea - To determine traffic is presence, vehicle must be presence in this area of
the lane. This is the coordinates ( x, y,width,height ) of cam view area
application should detect vehicles
mincarea - To filter objects and to identfy objects of interest
maxcarea Herer the video image area ( contours of the image ) must be higher than this
min value and less than this max value.
if zero specified for min/max no min/max value comparission will be done
viewcam - 1 to show video cam frames on the console
rtime, rdelay - Same as specified in sensor but specified in seconds
{ "prtyid":"lane1-1", "type":"s", "pt":20, "maxt":2, "debug":"Y",
"parms": { "sensor":"A3", "comport":"c1", "sensorid":"s3", "rdelay":1, "rtime":50, "srtm":50 } }
prtyid - Value specified in the "prtyid" parm of a lane entry in the lane definition table.
pt - If traffic is detected this amount of time (in seconds) is added to the value in
the "maxt" parm of the lane entry of the lane definition table
Other parameters are same as of lane definition table.
{ "lane":1,
"red":[ ["c1", [3,"O",0], [4,"F",1000], [2,"O",0], [3,"F",0] ] ],
"green":[ ["c1",[3,"O",0], [2,"F",1000], [4,"O",0], [3,"F",0] ] ]
lane - lane id
red - When application need to light up for example red light of the lane 1 it will
send Arduino board Id "c1" following message
1) Wait for zero milliseconds and "On" LED connected to digital pin "3"
For example to on yellow
2) Wait for 1000 milliseconds and "Off" LED connected to digital pin "4"
For example to off green
3) Wait for zero milliseconds and "On" LED connected to digital pin "2"
For example to on red
4) Wait for zero milliseconds and "Off" LED connected to digital pin "3"
For example to off yellow
There can be another entry as beleow
[3,"B",0,1000,3000 ] --> To Blink --> Wait 0 millseconds, "On" led connected to pin "3",
wait 1000 milliseconds, "Off", wait 1000 miliseconds
do this on/off process untill 3000 milliseconds elapsed
This is usefull for pedestrian crossing definitions
green - to light up green, same as red
{ "lane":99,
"red":[ ["c1", [2,"O",0], [5,"O",0], [8,"O",0], [11,"O",0] ] ]
"vtlid":[ [1, ["R-2","Y-3","G-4"] ], [2, ["R-5","Y-6","G-7"] ], [3, ["R-8","G-10"] ] ]
lane '99' is a special lane, which is used by the system to set all red lights of lanes to "On"
when system is start up. Here red LEDs of lanes are connected to digital pins 2, 5, 8 and 11 of Arudino
'vtlid' is optional and required if virtual traffic light system is used
[ 1,["R-2","Y-3","G-4"] ] - lane 1 has three lights with id 2, 3 and 4. Light 2 is Red, Light 3 is Yellow and light 4 is Green.
After system is setup all the sensors, LEDs and web cams must be checked
To check a sensor connected to analog pin ( for ex. A0 ) of Arduino board connected to a
serial port ( for ex. COM3 ) of windows Here desirable values for "srtm", "rtime" and "rdelay" can be found ( by modifying program )
To check LED connected to digital pin ( for ex. 2 )
to determine desirable values for "detectarea", "mincarea" and "maxcarea" parms of the lane entry of lane definition table 0 - cam id, -55 - rortate frame clockwise 55 degrees to get lanes verticle (this feature not available to c++ where cam is checked using chkcam 0 and detectarea values need to find out and put those values in the chkcam.txt file and test until desired result comes)
After finding the detectarea value put those values to chcam.txt and check objects inside the rectagle are detected ajust mincare and maxcarea values which are the max and min size of the objects This way each lane must be tested to determine values for "detectarea" (for c++ chkcam 0 chkcam.txt )
- run py 0 0 -> cam id - 0 rotate - 0
- double click on the image, verticle line will appear and determine approximatley how much degrees frame should be rotated clock wise or anti clock wise for the lane boundaries to become verticle
- run py 0 n where n is +/- degrees frame should be rotated. click on the top right corner of the lane where object detection area should begin and drag the mouse to left bottom corner making a rectangle and unclick the mouse. detection area coordinates will be displayed on the command prompt.
- put those figures in the chkcam.txt file run py 0 n chkcam.txt. Lane detection area rectangle will be displayed on the image. Move a object to that area and check if objects are detected. Determine the values for mincarea and maxcarea.
- This system is s single threaded and useful to control traffic in moderately congested traffic.
- To achieve high efficiency and redundancy to handle high traffic lanes we may have to deploy more than one sensors/cams to monitor lanes. Such system will be multi threaded and we may have to deploy machine learning techniques to determine time for lanes by considering traffic on the lanes without allocating max times as in this model to achieve high efficiency.
Intersection Application runs under Linux environment. IP cams , sensor controllers, traffic light controllers, and Linux processor at edge connected together in Ethernet LAN. Application uses Opencv image processing features to process cam images. Sensors too could be deployed to detect vehicles which will give more accurate results than processing images and these sensors either analog or digital must be connected to this ip network. One or more edges can be managed by Intersection Control Center which may be located far away from edges which are connected together may be using IP VPN.
Features of Intersection Control Application running under Linux environment
- will detects traffic of lanes via ip cams or sensors
- lane is processed only if traffic is presented
- if more traffic is presented, detected by cams or sensors ability to allow more time to lanes
- lanes are processed in multi threaded environment. This allows when a lane gets control, ability of that lane to allow traffic
along other lanes which do not obstruct to traffic along its lane
- Traffic violation detection
- Ability to deploy unlimited number of cams and sensors to detect traffic
- pedestrian lane crossing handling
- Redundancy, i.e. if cam or sensor becomes non working another cam or sensor can take up detection process
Features of Intersection Control Center client Application which runs under windows environment. Control center operator enter commands and monitor traffic at edge.
- monitor intersection via RTSP client such as VNC viewer which connects to GStreamer RTSP server application running at edge
- start / stop / shut edge application
- put the processing of lanes to manual / auto modes or close lanes
- take control of traffic by on and off traffic lights by issuing commands
Ability of deploying the system to other areas for example parking, monitoring areas, etc