Calculate bond valuations given a par value, coupon rate, time to maturity, and yield Implemented using Python, NumPy, Pandas, and PrettyPrint
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
def bond_price(par_val, coup_rate, ttm, yld):
#Create empty Dictionary to pass into Pandas DataFrame
data = {'Cash_Flow': [],
'Time': [],
'PV_Factor': [],
'PV': []
#Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Cash_Flow', 'Time', 'PV_Factor', 'PV'])
#Generate Cash_Flow content
cash_flow = np.array(np.repeat(int(par_val*coup_rate), ttm-1))
#Push Cash_Flow records into DataFrame
df.Cash_Flow = np.append(cash_flow, int(par_val*(1+coup_rate)))
#Create Time record representing years, add to DataFrame
df.Time = df.index+1
#Create PV Factor, add to DataFrame
df.PV_Factor = np.array(1/(1+yld)**df['Time'])
#Create PV record and add to DataFrame
df.PV = np.array(df.Cash_Flow * df.PV_Factor)
#Set index to Time(Years)
df.set_index('Time', inplace=True)
#Return DataFrame and sum of PV column
return df, sum(df.PV)
Conditions: par value = $100, coupon rate = %5, time to maturity = 5 years, and yield = %6
dataset, bondval = bond_price(100, 0.05, 5, 0.06)
print("Total Bond Price: $" + str(bondval))