generated using Luminus version "4.19"
- Hit 'login' and create an account.
- Logout and continue process for any users you want to share your sentence lists with.
- Login to your original account.
- Upload a sentence list for translating. Use your own or use this sample
- Share the list with the users you created.
- Give your users the login info (offline)
- Wait for them to finish tranlsating your list
- Download an anki deck of translations with audio
- Study and learn!
For the fastest way to get a free instance to try out:
You will need Leiningen 2.0 or above installed.
You will also need:
- docker and docker-compose
- python3, you'll need this runnable as
so I recommend using conda - npm
- sass
You'll need docker running for the database.
Once docker is running, run: docker-compose up -d
in this directory to start postgres.
Then run ./bin/recreate_db
to provision the database correctly.
Create a file dev-config.edn
in the root if it does not exist. Put this content in it:
{:dev true
:port 3000
:nrepl-port 7000
:database-url "postgres://basha_user:basha_password@localhost:5432/dev"
:token-secret "0f6cf8sdf4f58cfd" ;; <- this token secret can be any random string
First, run lein install
and npm install
in the main directory, then you'll need three tabs open...
lein scss :development watch
npm run watch
In this tab, you'll need the python env setup first. If you're using conda:
First time only:
conda create -n basha python=3.8.2
pip install -r requirements.txt
Every time (including first time):
conda activate basha
Then run:
lein repl
> (migrate)
> (start)
There is a small chance the migrate command will fail.
If this happens, go to the file ./resources/migrations/20211012223102-add-users-table.up.sql
and comment out line 1.
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