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Bands distance calculation using new API (#176)
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Bands distance calculating function renewed. It is also called by the aiidalab-sssp. The weight is considered for each kpoints.
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unkcpz authored Mar 10, 2023
1 parent 20bb72d commit 24e0455
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Showing 13 changed files with 410 additions and 116 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .pre-commit-config.yaml
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Expand Up @@ -60,3 +60,8 @@ repos:
rev: 0.14.0
- id: check-github-workflows

- repo:
rev: 0.6.1
- id: nbstripout
197 changes: 124 additions & 73 deletions aiida_sssp_workflow/calculations/
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@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Adapt from aiida-sssp-workflow as prototype
Will in here refactoring it so no need to use the aiida datatype as inputs.
calculate bands distance
import numpy as np
from aiida import orm

from aiida_sssp_workflow.efermi import find_efermi
# from aiida_sssp_workflow.efermi import find_efermi

def get_homo(bands, num_electrons: int):
Expand All @@ -19,78 +21,88 @@ def get_homo(bands, num_electrons: int):
return max(band)

def fermi_dirac(band_energy, fermi_energy, smearing):
def fermi_dirac(band_energy, fermi_energy, smearing, spin):
The first argument can be an array
if spin:
occ = 1.0
occ = 2.0

old_settings = np.seterr(over="raise", divide="raise")
res = 1.0 / (np.exp((band_energy - fermi_energy) / smearing) + 1.0)
res = occ / (np.exp((band_energy - fermi_energy) / smearing) + 1.0)
except FloatingPointError:
res = np.heaviside(fermi_energy - band_energy, 1.0)
res = np.heaviside(fermi_energy - band_energy, occ)

return res

def retrieve_bands(
bandsdata: orm.BandsData,
bandsdata: dict, # bands, kpoints, weights -> corresponding array
collect the bands of certain number with setting the start band.
In order to make sure that when comparing two bands distance the number of bands is the same.
aligh bands to fermi level
The bands calculation of magnetic elements will giving a three dimensional bands where the
first dimension is for the up and down spin.
I simply concatenate along the first dimension.
bands = bandsdata.get_bands()
kpoints, weights = bandsdata.get_kpoints(also_weights=True)
bands = bandsdata.get("bands")
# weights = bandsdata.get("weights")

# reduce by first dimension of up, down spins
if len(bands.shape) > 2:
bands = bands[:, :, start_band_idx : start_band_idx + num_bands]
nspin, nk, nbands = bands.shape
bands = bands.reshape(nk, nbands * nspin)
np.sort(bands) # sort along last axis - eigenvalues of specific kpoint

bands = bands - efermi # shift all bands to fermi energy 0
bands = bands[:, start_band:]
output_bands = orm.ArrayData()
output_bands.set_array("kpoints", kpoints)
output_bands.set_array("weights", weights)
output_bands.set_array("bands", bands)

if do_smearing:
# for bands distance convergence
# and metals in bands measure verification.
nelectrons = num_electrons
bands = np.asfortranarray(bands)
meth = 2 # firmi-dirac smearing
# update bands shift to fermi_level
bands = bands[:, start_band_idx : start_band_idx + num_bands]

output_efermi = find_efermi(bands, weights, nelectrons, smearing, meth)
# shift to fermi level aligh to zero
bandsdata["bands"] = bands - bandsdata["fermi_level"]
bandsdata["fermi_level"] = 0.0

# update fermi_level
if not do_smearing:
# easy to spot the efermi energy only used for non-metals of typical configurations
# in bands measure.
homo_energy = get_homo(bands, num_electrons)
output_efermi = homo_energy
bandsdata["fermi_level"] = homo_energy

return {
"bands": output_bands,
"efermi": output_efermi,
# for bands distance convergence
# and metals in bands measure verification.
# bands = np.asfortranarray(bands)
# meth = 2 # firmi-dirac smearing

# bandsdata["fermi_level"] = find_efermi(
# bands, weights, num_electrons, smearing, meth
# )
# use the fermi_level from QE therefore do nothing.
# This can be commented out since with acwf protocol I use the fermi dirac smearing
# which should give the exact the same fermi level.

return bandsdata

def calculate_eta_and_max_diff(
bands_a: orm.ArrayData,
bands_b: orm.ArrayData,
bandsdata_a: dict,
bandsdata_b: dict,
spin: bool,
Expand All @@ -101,15 +113,15 @@ def calculate_eta_and_max_diff(

from scipy.optimize import minimize

weight_a = bands_a.get_array("weights")
weight_b = bands_b.get_array("weights")
weight_a = bandsdata_a.get("weights")
weight_b = bandsdata_b.get("weights")
weight = weight_a
assert np.allclose(
weight_a, weight_b
), "Different weight of kpoints of two calculation."

bands_a = bands_a.get_array("bands")
bands_b = bands_b.get_array("bands")
bands_a = bandsdata_a.get("bands")
bands_b = bandsdata_b.get("bands")

num_bands = min(np.shape(bands_a)[1], np.shape(bands_b)[1])

Expand All @@ -119,16 +131,17 @@ def calculate_eta_and_max_diff(
bands_a = bands_a[:, : num_bands - 1]
bands_b = bands_b[:, : num_bands - 1]

occ_a = fermi_dirac(bands_a, efermi_a + fermi_shift, smearing)
occ_b = fermi_dirac(bands_b, efermi_b + fermi_shift, smearing)
# all bands are already shifted to fermi level aligh to zero
occ_a = fermi_dirac(bands_a, fermi_shift, smearing, spin)
occ_b = fermi_dirac(bands_b, fermi_shift, smearing, spin)
occ = np.sqrt(occ_a * occ_b)

bands_diff = bands_a - bands_b

def fun_shift(occ, bands_diff, shift):
# 1/w ~ degeneracy of the kpoints
nominator = np.multiply(1 / weight[:, None], (occ * (bands_diff + shift) ** 2))
denominator = np.multiply(1 / weight[:, None], occ)
nominator = np.multiply(weight[:, None], (occ * (bands_diff + shift) ** 2))
denominator = np.multiply(weight[:, None], occ)
return np.sqrt(np.sum(nominator) / np.sum(denominator))

# Compute eta
Expand All @@ -154,38 +167,71 @@ def fun_shift(occ, bands_diff, shift):

def get_bands_distance(
bands_a: orm.BandsData,
bands_b: orm.BandsData,
band_parameters_a: orm.Dict,
band_parameters_b: orm.Dict,
bandsdata_a: dict,
bandsdata_b: dict,
smearing: float,
fermi_shift: float,
do_smearing: bool,
spin: bool,
example of bandsdata_a -> dict = {
"number_of_electrons": 10,
"number_of_bands": 10,
"fermi_level": -0.97,
"bands": <bands array> as list,
"kpoints": <kpoints array> as list,
"weights": <weights array> as list,
First aligh the number of two bands, e.g tranctrate the overceed nubmer of bands
num_electrons_a = band_parameters_a["number_of_electrons"]
num_electrons_b = band_parameters_b["number_of_electrons"]
# post process to deserial list to numpy arrar
for key in ["bands", "kpoints", "weights"]:
bandsdata_a[key] = np.asarray(bandsdata_a[key])
bandsdata_b[key] = np.asarray(bandsdata_b[key])

# make sure always less electrons bands as a. b hase more electrons if not equal
if not int(bandsdata_b["number_of_electrons"]) >= int(
# swap to make sure a is less electrons pseudo
bandsdata_a, bandsdata_b = bandsdata_b, bandsdata_a

assert int(bandsdata_b["number_of_electrons"]) >= int(
), f"Need to be less num_bands in a {bandsdata_a['number_of_electrons']} than b {bandsdata_b['number_of_electrons']}"

assert (
not num_electrons_a > num_electrons_b
), "Need to be less num_electrons result as argument labeled 'a'."
num_electrons_a = int(bandsdata_a["number_of_electrons"])
num_electrons_b = int(bandsdata_b["number_of_electrons"])

efermi_a = band_parameters_a["fermi_energy"]
efermi_b = band_parameters_b["fermi_energy"]
# divide by 2 is valid for both spin and non-spin bands, since for spin I concatenate the bands
# the number of bands is half of electrons
band_b_start_band = int(num_electrons_b - num_electrons_a) // 2

num_electrons = int(num_electrons_a)
res = retrieve_bands(bands_a, 0, num_electrons, efermi_a, smearing, do_smearing)
bands_a = res["bands"]
efermi_a = res["efermi"]
num_bands_a = bandsdata_a["number_of_bands"]
num_bands_b = bandsdata_b["number_of_bands"] - band_b_start_band

start_band = int(num_electrons_b - num_electrons_a) // 2
res = retrieve_bands(
bands_b, start_band, num_electrons, efermi_b, smearing, do_smearing
num_bands = min(num_bands_a, num_bands_b)

bandsdata_a = retrieve_bands(
bandsdata_a, 0, num_bands, num_electrons_a, smearing, do_smearing

bandsdata_b = retrieve_bands(
bands_b = res["bands"]
efermi_b = res["efermi"]

# after cut and aligh in retrive band, the shapes are same now
assert np.shape(bandsdata_a["bands"]) == np.shape(
), f'{np.shape(bandsdata_a["bands"])} != {np.shape(bandsdata_b["bands"])}'

# eta_v
fermi_shift_v = 0.0
Expand All @@ -195,28 +241,33 @@ def get_bands_distance(
smearing_v = 0

outputs = calculate_eta_and_max_diff(
bands_a, bands_b, efermi_a, efermi_b, fermi_shift_v, smearing_v
bandsdata_a, bandsdata_b, spin, fermi_shift_v, smearing_v
eta_v = outputs.get("eta")
shift_v = outputs.get("shift")
max_diff_v = outputs.get("max_diff")

_eV_to_mev = 1000
eta_v = outputs.get("eta") * _eV_to_mev
shift_v = outputs.get("shift") * _eV_to_mev
max_diff_v = outputs.get("max_diff") * _eV_to_mev

# eta_c
# if not metal
smearing_c = smearing
outputs = calculate_eta_and_max_diff(
bands_a, bands_b, efermi_a, efermi_b, fermi_shift, smearing_c
bandsdata_a, bandsdata_b, spin, fermi_shift, smearing_c

eta_c = outputs.get("eta")
shift_c = outputs.get("shift")
max_diff_c = outputs.get("max_diff")
eta_c = outputs.get("eta") * _eV_to_mev
shift_c = outputs.get("shift") * _eV_to_mev
max_diff_c = outputs.get("max_diff") * _eV_to_mev

return {
out = {
"eta_v": eta_v,
"shift_v": shift_v,
"max_diff_v": max_diff_v,
"eta_c": eta_c,
"shift_c": shift_c,
"max_diff_c": max_diff_c,
"units": "meV",

return out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,8 +105,7 @@
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Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -266,8 +266,7 @@
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"version": "3.9.6"
"orig_nbformat": 4
"nbformat": 4,
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions aiida_sssp_workflow/statics/generatecif.ipynb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,8 +67,7 @@
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.9.6"
"orig_nbformat": 4
"nbformat": 4,
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions aiida_sssp_workflow/statics/generatemapping.ipynb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -229,8 +229,7 @@
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.9.6"
"orig_nbformat": 4
"nbformat": 4,
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