This project focuses on implementing various methods for bidirectional compression in machine learning. The main techniques explored include:
- CGD (Compressed Gradient Descent)
- EF21-P + DIANA
- EF21-P + DCGD
These methods are based on the research paper titled "Improved Theoretical Communication Complexity for Distributed Optimization with Bidirectional Compression."
We utilize the following datasets for our experiments:
- Mushrooms Dataset: Download Mushrooms.txt
- MNIST Dataset: A well-known dataset for image classification tasks.
To run the experiments, follow these steps:
Download the Jupyter Notebook: bd_compression_report.ipynb.
Modify the Dataset Directory: Update the path to your dataset in the notebook while keeping other configurations unchanged.
Run the Comparison:
- Add a new cell in the notebook.
- Insert your comparison notebook code[].
- Execute the cell to see results.
For further reading and detailed methodology, refer to the following paper:
Citations: [1]