- Show anime list with pagination @10
- Each anime item are clickable, and will redirect to Anime Detail page when clicked.
- Can bulk add by long press one of anime card (whitespace section -> not image, title, or "see more") -> triggered bulk session
- Show collection list
- There is edit (edit name and remove collection) also add new collection
- Collection name rules : not only whitespace, no special character (ex: !@#), no more than 16 character, can't duplicate with other collection
- Show anime details like image, title, rating, episodes, year, time, description, maybe can add more in future
- Can add anime to one or more collection
- Can see collection info of anime (where collection who included that anime)
- Show list of anime which add to that collection
- Can remove item from collection
- Can edit collection name
State management using @redux/toolkit and store in local storage
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.