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Releases: aiekick/NoodlesPlate

Noodlesplate v0.6.660

16 Jan 18:27
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support of the VR (via OpenXR) :

  • a button in the left toolbar is available for enable/disable the vr
  • display the left eye on the screen
  • support of controllers :
    • Generic pads (tested => OK)
    • Occulus touch (tested => OK)
    • Valve index (not tested => but will work as expcted i guess)
  • camera can be controlled via VR controllers, if the camera vr control is checked and only when swizzle (side trigger) is pressed :
    • left controller thumbstick x can be used for roll (axis z) the camera
    • left controller trigger can be used for move the camera backward
    • right controller trigger can be used for move the camera forward
    • right controller thumbstick up/down can be used for pitch (axis x) the camera
    • right controller thumbstick left/right can be used for yaw (axis y) the camera
  • the triggers, thumbsticks, and swizzle are available as uniforms.
    swizzle can be used if the camera vr control is unchecked
    check the help avaialble in elft toolabr for have the unifomrs syntax
[VR] : draw the VR FBO on screen
[VR] : add support of controller : kronos generic, oculus touch and valve index (no mesh, just control)
[VR] : add camera control view left and right thumbstick XY (can be enabled or disabled)
[VR] : add uniforms for trigger, squeese, thumbs 
       thumbs are not filled when the camera is used and 
	   when the camera via vr is enabled
[VR] : add camera factor for rotation and zoom when using vr controllers
[VR] : add factor for uniforms vr::thumb:accum
[ADD] : add rotation around Z for camera
[ADD] : add a lock for translation and rotation. by default translation XYZ and rotation Z are locked
[ADD] : add a Free Camera Mode
[FIX] : fix time widget speed between modes
[FIX] : fix and refactor of recent files system

linux banay can be done. if you need it, let me know

Noodlesplate v0.6.254

06 Jan 23:30
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Big update : Support of the VR

for the moment what is supproted is just the VR device pos wand view dir.
no ui and no pads (but will come for sure)

[ADD] : add the support of the VR (only pos and view dir of the vr device)
[ADD] : add help section for the VR mode
[ADD] : add a button for enable/disable the VR
[ADD] : add a uniform for check in the shader when the vr is enabled/disable
[ADD] : add uniforms for pos and view dir
[ADD] : when the VRis enabled, the view and proj matrix from the camera 
        are replaced by proj an view of each eyes of the VR device
[ADD] : when the VRimages are rendered in the VR device, the rendering in noodlesplate is stopped
[ADD] : add a the support of the VR for the import from shadertoy

NoodlesPlate v0.6.148

01 Jan 17:13
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little update

[ADD] : add a uniform for midi devices
[ADD] : add a pane in settings dialog for detect midi devices and copy unfiorms syntax to use

if you need a linux binary, let me know

NoodlesPlate v0.6.77

30 Dec 17:07
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little update

[ADD] : add a settings in Uniform Pane for reset all widgets to their defaults values
[ADD] : add a settings in Uniform Switcher Pane for reset widgets who are not in a config file
[MOV] : move buttons fo space3d and mesh in left toolbar

if you need a linux or macos (only opengl for mac), please let me know

NoodlesPlate v0.5.937

28 Nov 23:57
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little update :  Settings dialog, HDPI, global UI Scale

[ADD] : add a categorie in the settings dialog for defined path to use for scripts, 
        and any type of assets (texture 2D/3D, cubemap, meshs, etc..)
[ADD] : add a settings for enabled/disable the HDPI support of the UI. (WIP) disabled by default
[ADD] : add a settings for define the global UI scale
[FIX] : fix a width issue fo the import bar. irony of the fate, the hide button was hidden :)
[FIX] : fix an issues with the time input widget. 
        when many time widget was in the same shader, the edition of one was defining all.. 

NoodlesPlate v0.5.897

15 Nov 00:07
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NoodlesPlate v0.5.897

this time its a big update, and stable enough for be shared. but WIP on some features

New Features :

  • new ui system (each pane can be extracted as a new windows)
  • vertical toolbar on the left side for the main features
  • add a live opengl profiler
  • add a live gpu metric small pane (for nvidia on windows only)
  • add a console pane
  • add a unified uniforms switcher pane
  • add a new one file system when each buffer pass will be in the same file
    • shadertoy import can be now improted in only one file
  • add a new uniform of type button
  • add a samples for features (new > Feature)
  • add a ne theming system for change the colors the ui as you want
  • the asset file dialog can now show pictures
  • improvment of the timeline, easier for create loops now
  • transform feedback system for extract mesh from the vertex shader stage

Many Optimization and Bug Fixs (about the rendering system and ui)

Sample Picture :




Noodlesplate is Cross Platform but

For the moment there is just the Win64 binary file.

jsut need a linux and mac for compil it

NoodlesPlate v0.1.3075

16 Dec 22:45
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[ADD] Mac version added (x64 only)
[ADD] Linux version added (x64 only)
[ADD] Add a timeline widget :

  • inspired by the timeline of Blender3D
  • bezier curve based : three control points mode : free, aligned, symmetric
  • add key by clinking the dot on the left of uniforms in uniforms pane
  • move keys by dragging with mouse
  • you can add whole the current shader config to the timeline and clean for keep only changed uniforms after
  • use middle mouse on timebar, valuebar or view for scale the view
  • can rescale keys along time by values (Re Scale Menu)
  • you can disable gpu upload for frame whith a button
  • you can show all keys or edit channel(s) for show corrresponding curves (little checkbox on the right of names in timeline)
  • can export current frames to pictures (video export is planned but not supported for the moment)

[ADD] Opengl chooser at start, can support :

  • 3.2 mini : Geometry Stage
  • 4.0 : Tesselation Stage
  • 4.3 : Compute Stage

[ADD] New cross platform File Tracker system :

  • need the .glsl extention associated with your favorite Editor
  • on Linux, a bug appear with some editors, like gedit ( a file called .goutputstream-xxx is generated after file save, NDP not detect the file changes due to that)
  • Succesfully tested on Linux and Mac with atom and vscode. no problem seen on windows with many editor

[FIX] Many Bug Fixs

NoodlesPlate v0.1.1440

13 Aug 08:59
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[ADD] add a text widget, only for the ui, not used in the shader, he display some text in uniforms section
[FIX] radio widget fixed, was not uploaded to gpu
[FIX] a crash was some time in the file update checker
[FIX] a modification of code not triggered the update of the view when the view was paused

NoodlesPlate v0.1.1417

11 Aug 14:53
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[FIX] version check, 4s of timeout, not block anymore the ui if github not respond
[ADD] Support of tesselation control and tesselation evaluation shader
[FIX] mesh loader can open mixed mesh ,traingles, and quads, but only ascii obj and without textures for the moment
[ADD] collapsable / expandalbe section for uniforms (always defined in code)
[FIX] some stability issue was fixed at open and close
[ADD] MSAA x2 for mesh visu, or debug wireframe, btw it do, pixel debugging features, and fbo textures display, stop working
[ADD] A compil button, for force recompilation, when in some weird cases, the files changes are not triggered in NoodlesPlate
[ADD] a natural sorting for Uniforms Config Switcher
[ADD] cammera orthographic for mesh. not work correctly with sdf, need glsl code modification of space3d.glsl. with sdf use perspective

NoodlesPlate v0.1.1081

17 Jul 07:24
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[FIX] version check
[FIX] recent files was not in good order
[ADD] template creation / read (multi buffer supported)