System Installation and requirement
- install php 8.0 or higher
- apache or nginx
- php extensions (common, intl, mbstring, json, curl, mysql, xml, zip)
- create .env file and copy content of .env.example into it
- run php artisan key:generate
- run php artisan jwt:secret
- add DB credentials to .env file
- run php artisan migrate --seed to create database schema and seeding it
- run php artisan serve --port=3000 to start project
- Run php artisan test to run tests
Docker Installation
- Install Docker
- Install Docker compose
- Run php artisan sail:install
- Run ./vendor/bin/sail up to start project on url (
- run ./vendor/bin/sail artisan jwt:secret
- Run ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate --seed to create database schema and seeding it
- Run ./vendor/bin/sail artisan test to run tests
Postman APIs documentation