sudo apt install markdown clang-format python3-venv nodejs npm cmake libtool libtool-bin fonts-noto
npm -g install prettier eslint vscode-langservers-extracted typescript-language-server typescript @angular/language-server yaml-language-server dockerfile-language-server-nodejs vue-language-server
pip install "python-lsp-server[all]" pylsp-mypy
git clone
after installing all-the-icons run from emacs the following command
M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
and in the shell run the following command (for linux users)
fc-cache -f -v
for copilot package follow these steps
- “M-0” toggle treemacs and switch between treemacs and open buffers
- “C-c C-f” hs-toggle-hide
(same shortcut works with web-mode but it’s the default shortcut in webmode)
- “C-}” & “C-}” centaur-tabs forward and backward
- “C-<” & “C->” mark next and preview like words
- “C-c C-<” mark all like words
- “C-c C-v” preview html file in browser
- [f4] fromat-all-buffer
- “C-‘” for company complete
- “C-S-i” formate buffer
- “C-c h” eldoc-box-help-at-point
- “C-c i” blamer-show-posframe-commit-info
- “C-<left>” centaur-tabs-move-current-tab-to-left
- “C-<right>” centaur-tabs-move-current-tab-to-right
- prettier is used by emacs-format-all-the-code
- to preserve break add
#+OPTIONS: \n:t
to the top of org file - use custom.el to set environment specific customization that you don’t want to be tracked by GIT
- [ ] improve docs
- [ ] add projectile package
- [ ] add toc-org
- [ ] add org-modern
this is a list of helpful references