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Installing Open MPI on OS X

Kevin McGrattan edited this page Apr 7, 2016 · 2 revisions

Option 1: Installing Open MPI from precompiled binaries

  1. Download the latest 64-bit compiled version of the Open MPI libraries for OS X ( version 1.8.3 ).

  2. Copy the openmpi...osx...tar.gz file to the /shared directory (you will need to create this directory if it doesn't currently exist).

  3. cd to /shared and run

    sudo tar xvzf openmpi...osx...tar.gz

which extracts the Open MPI libraries to /shared/openmpi_64.

  1. Test the MPI version of FDS by typing


    You should see the version number of FDS with no errors.

  2. Run FDS MPI cases using the command:

    mpirun -np X fds fds_case.fds

    where X is the number of processors to use, fds is the executable, and fds_case.fds is the FDS case that you want to run. Note that you might need to add the location of mpirun (/shared/openmpi_64/bin) to your PATH to use the mpirun command (if the FDS installer did not find the MPI distribution).

Option 2: Compiling Open MPI and FDS yourself

  1. Install Xcode (free from the Mac App Store), which includes the "Developer Tools".

  2. Install the "Command Line Tools" in Xcode (Preferences > Downloads).

  3. Install the OS X Intel C, C++, and Fortran compilers.

  4. Download and extract Open MPI.

  5. cd to the directory that you extracted Open MPI to.

  6. Install Open MPI using the Intel compiler suite; configure and install using:

    source /opt/intel/composerxe/bin/ intel64
    ./configure --prefix /shared/openmpi_64 CC=icc CXX=icpc F77=ifort FC=ifort CFLAGS=-m64 CXXFLAGS=-m64 FFLAGS=-m64 FCFLAGS=-m64
    sudo make install
  7. Build FDS MPI OS X version from the repository:

    cd FDS_Compilation/mpi_intel_osx_64
  8. Run FDS cases using the command:

    mpirun -np X fds_mpi_executable fds_case.fds

    where X is the number of processors to use, fds_mpi_executable is the FDS MPI executable that was built in the above steps, and fds_case.fds is the FDS case that you want to run. Note that you might need to add the location of mpirun (/shared/openmpi_64/bin) to your PATH to use the mpirun command.

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