- Ranks - wea, nwea, true wins
- Rank diff - true wins and wea, true wins and nwea
- Charts?
- Predictions individual matchups
- predictions on total score
- playoff predictions
- More specific conditional formatting
- Python 3.7, pip, virtualenv (pip and virtualenv should be included with a python install)
- Python in your PATH
- geckodriver in your PATH (for firefox webscraping)
- this is not necessary if you're only going to run the excel version
- clone
- virtualenv venv
- activate venv
- On Windows, venv\Scripts\activate
- On Mac/Linux, source venv/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Add/update excel workbook to project folder
- python runProgram.py "" "" ""
- weekNum is num of weeks you want evaluated, starting with week 1
- weeks that haven't happened will causing confusing results
- teamCount is the number of teams in your league
- filename is the path of your input file
- sheetname is the name of the sheet with your matchup data
- resultFileName is the name of the file you want the results printed to
- python runProgram.py "" "" "" ""
- weekNum is num of weeks you want evaluated, starting with week 1
- weeks that haven't happened will causing confusing results
- teamCount is the number of teams in your league
- username is your espn account username
- password if your espn account password
- weekOneUrl is the url for the week one scoreboard for your league
- resultFileName is the name of the file you want the results printed to