197 commits
to master
since this release
Micronaut Permissions 1.0.2-micronaut-1.0
made the annotations inherited
Groovy REST Unit Test Framework 1.0.4
ability to specify delegate for the Micronaut client
Micronaut Log4AWS 2.0.5-micronaut-1.0
another way to handle sentry scopes
Micronaut Log4AWS 2.0.4-micronaut-1.0
simplified sentry filter scope handling
Agorapulse AWS SDK 1.7.2-micronaut-1.0
adopted new Gradle configurations (some dependencies moved to runtime)
Automatic Localstack integration
Groovy REST Unit Test Framework 1.0.3
upgraded JSoup as the previous version contains security issues
Groovy REST Unit Test Framework 1.0.2
allow more digits in ISO date fraction part (fixes ISO date matchers on Java 11)
Groovy REST Unit Test Framework 1.0.1
re-release due previous publishing failure
Micronaut Log4AWS 2.0.3-micronaut-1.0
fixed scope not popped when error happened
Agorapulse AWS SDK 1.6.2-micronaut-1.0
bumped AWS libraries versions
Compressed DynamoDB Field Converter
Micronaut Newrelic Library 1.1.2-micronaut-1.0
preventing Recursive update issues when evaluating the bean conditions
Micronaut Log4AWS 2.0.2-micronaut-1.0
support for legacy SENTRY_DSN
Micronaut Log4AWS 2.0.1-micronaut-1.0
execute Sentry.flush()
from @LogError