a simple jvm wrote by java just for realize how jvm works.
It only has one useful command.
U can insert "classpath;className" to invoke this classFile
if the parameter "className" are some jdk's library's classFile.It can also be loaded and u can see some informations.
1.This small toy only support jdk1.8 and u'd better already setting "JAVA_HOME" environment variable.
Because the rootClassPath depends on jdk1.8's librarys.Jdk1.9+'s catalogs are changed so it might not
be able to loaded jdk's library.
2.This toy only support very few features.U can use it do some simple computings.But don't use array.
I haven't finish it.
3.If u find some bugs about it.It's very appreciate if u can fix that.Also u can give a issue.But
maybe i won't go to fix it.