Bedframe™ is a simple Warehouse Management System that routes shipments to the warehouse that can best fulfill it
The apps handles warehouses, shipments, and products.
The best place to understand this mini-application is to check out the models and the model specs
A warehouse has many shipments and warehouse_products (with inventory unique to location), and it is the goal of this app to find the right warehouse for each shipment so folks can get their mattresses! (or sheets, or pillows, or night-stand candles...)
When the warehouse meets the needs of the shipment, it updates its warehouse_product available inventory (kind of like a stock tally) and can then fulfill the shipment
Ruby version and gemset
- ruby 2.2.3@bedframe
System dependencies
- postgres
Database setup
rake db:setup && rake db:migrate
this will seed some phony data if you want to mess around in the console, or you can just run the test suite
How to run the test suite
- I develop with ZEUS locally, so I just run "zeus test", but you can also run rspec spec
- Services
- it would make sense to set up a cron job to fulfill! (ie: "ship") any shipments that are processing after a certain point, or to set up a controller action for the WMS to trigger when they're ready