Helper library that helps assert assumptions in the code. This helps to declare all assumption explicitly and continue to write code based on specified assumptions.
For example:
- Assert string argument assumption:
void DoSomething(string name)
// This code line will throw ArgumentException exception if assumption failed
Check.ArgumentIsNullOrWhiteSpace(name, nameof(name));
- Assert class type argument assumption:
void DoSomething(Person person)
// This code line will throw ArgumentNullException exception if assumption failed
Check.ArgumentIsNull(person, nameof(person));
- Assert custom argument assumption:
void DoSomething(decimal price)
// This code line will throw ArgumentException exception if assumption failed
Check.Argument(price > 0, "price > 0");
- Assert custom assumption:
void DoSomething()
var response = CallApi();
// This code line will throw InvalidOperationException exception if assumption failed
Check.Assert(response != null, "response != null");