A simple integration of BabylonJS and Rapier with SolidJS.
Goals :
- Provide basic components to make simple 3d scenes using fine grained reactivity.
- Have a good DX by providing good type coverage.
Non-goals :
- Cover every features of BabylonJS and Rapier.
For more mature & similar solutions look at :
- https://docs.pmnd.rs/react-three-fiber
- https://brianzinn.github.io/react-babylonjs/
- https://github.com/solidjs-community/solid-three/
pnpm i
pnpm run build
pnpm run dev
Open browser to http://localhost:5173/solid-akkadi/
see the demo app running
Use only pnpm
Use exact version in every package.json.
To review dependencies run pnpm update -L -i -r
by Quaternius CC0 from https://poly.pizza/m/QCm7qe9uNJdemo-app/public/assets/arena.glb
original by me (age2pierre)demo-app/public/assets/Crate.glb
by Quaternius CC0 from https://poly.pizza/m/3VGWnZPXmGdemo-app/public/assets/Vulpes_modules.glb
- Features
- Particle component
- MaterialNode component
- Optimize bundle size (use ESM for BJS)
- Chores
- GH actions for publish workflow
- Split linter for lib / apps / scripts
- Documentation
- Add TS doc to a maximum of exported members
- Generate API doc with typedoc
- Write a "Getting started" guide
- Write a "Writing your own component" guide