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[ wip ] finish proof that a right strength induces a left strength in…
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… a braided category.
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sstucki committed Jan 6, 2024
1 parent e82a53b commit a1edce0
Showing 1 changed file with 118 additions and 44 deletions.
162 changes: 118 additions & 44 deletions src/Categories/Monad/Strong/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,61 +1,89 @@
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- In braided monoidal categories left and right strength imply each other
open import Categories.Category using (Category; module Commutation)

module Categories.Monad.Strong.Properties where
module Categories.Monad.Strong.Properties {o ℓ e} {C : Category o ℓ e} where

open import Level
open import Data.Product using (_,_; _×_)

open import Categories.Category using (Category; module Commutation)
import Categories.Category.Construction.Core as Core
open import Categories.Category.Product
open import Categories.Functor renaming (id to idF)
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal using (Monoidal)
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Braided using (Braided)
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Construction.Reverse
using (Reverse-Monoidal; Reverse-Braided)
import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Braided.Properties as BraidedProps
import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Reasoning as MonoidalReasoning
import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Utilities as MonoidalUtils
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Braided using (Braided)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (NaturalTransformation; ntHelper)
open import Categories.Monad using (Monad)
open import Categories.Monad.Strong using (Strength; RightStrength; StrongMonad; RightStrongMonad)

import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (NaturalTransformation; ntHelper)

o ℓ e : Level
-- A left strength is a right strength in the reversed category.

-- FIXME: make these top-level module parameters and remove this anonymous module?
module _ {C : Category o ℓ e} {V : Monoidal C} (BV : Braided V) where
rightInReversed : {V : Monoidal C} {M : Monad C}
Strength V M RightStrength (Reverse-Monoidal V) M
rightInReversed left = record
{ strengthen = ntHelper (record
{ η = λ{ (X , Y) strengthen.η (Y , X) }
; commute = λ{ (f , g) strengthen.commute (g , f) }
; identityˡ = identityˡ
; η-comm = η-comm
; μ-η-comm = μ-η-comm
; strength-assoc = strength-assoc
where open Strength left

-- A right strength is a left strength in the reversed category.

leftInReversed : {V : Monoidal C} {M : Monad C}
RightStrength V M Strength (Reverse-Monoidal V) M
leftInReversed right = record
{ strengthen = ntHelper (record
{ η = λ{ (X , Y) strengthen.η (Y , X) }
; commute = λ{ (f , g) strengthen.commute (g , f) }
; identityˡ = identityˡ
; η-comm = η-comm
; μ-η-comm = μ-η-comm
; strength-assoc = strength-assoc
where open RightStrength right

module Left {V : Monoidal C} {M : Monad C} (left : Strength V M) where
open Category C
open Braided BV
open BraidedProps BV using (braiding-coherence; inv-braiding-coherence)
open MonoidalUtils V using (_⊗ᵢ_)
open MonoidalUtils.Shorthands V -- for λ⇒, ρ⇒, α⇒, ...
open Core.Shorthands C -- for idᵢ, _∘ᵢ_, ...
open MonoidalReasoning V
open Core.Shorthands C -- for idᵢ, _∘ᵢ_, ...
open MR C
open Commutation C
open Monoidal V using (_⊗₀_)
open MonoidalUtils V using (_⊗ᵢ_)
open MonoidalUtils.Shorthands V -- for λ⇒, ρ⇒, α⇒, ...
open MonoidalReasoning V
open Monad M using (F; μ; η)

module left = Strength left
X Y Z W : Obj

module LeftStrength {M : Monad C} (leftStrength : Strength V M) where
open BraidedProps.Shorthands BV renaming (σ to B; σ⇒ to B⇒; σ⇐ to B⇐)
open Monad M using (F; μ; η)
module leftStrength = Strength leftStrength
module Shorthands where
module σ = left.strengthen

module Shorthands where
module σ = leftStrength.strengthen
σ : {X Y} X ⊗₀ F.₀ Y ⇒ F.₀ (X ⊗₀ Y)
σ {X} {Y} = σ.η (X , Y)

σ : {X Y} X ⊗₀ F.₀ Y ⇒ F.₀ (X ⊗₀ Y)
σ {X} {Y} = σ.η (X , Y)
open Shorthands

open Shorthands
-- In a braided monoidal category, a left strength induces a right strength.

-- The left strength induces a right strength via braiding.
module _ (BV : Braided V) where
open Braided BV hiding (_⊗₀_)
open BraidedProps.Shorthands BV renaming (σ to B; σ⇒ to B⇒; σ⇐ to B⇐)

τ : {X Y} F.₀ X ⊗₀ Y ⇒ F.₀ (X ⊗₀ Y)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,7 +171,7 @@ module _ {C : Category o ℓ e} {V : Monoidal C} (BV : Braided V) where
F.₁ B⇐ ∘ F.₁ (id ⊗₁ B⇐) ∘ F.₁ α⇒ ∘ F.₁ B⇒ ∘ τ ∘ F.₁ id ⊗₁ B⇒
≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ extendʳ right-left-braiding-comm ⟩
F.₁ B⇐ ∘ F.₁ (id ⊗₁ B⇐) ∘ F.₁ α⇒ ∘ σ ∘ B⇒ ∘ F.₁ id ⊗₁ B⇒
≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ extendʳ leftStrength.strength-assoc ⟩
≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ extendʳ left.strength-assoc ⟩
F.₁ B⇐ ∘ F.₁ (id ⊗₁ B⇐) ∘ σ ∘ (id ⊗₁ σ ∘ α⇒) ∘ B⇒ ∘ F.₁ id ⊗₁ B⇒
≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ pullʳ (refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ F.identity ⟩⊗⟨refl) ⟩
F.₁ B⇐ ∘ F.₁ (id ⊗₁ B⇐) ∘ σ ∘ id ⊗₁ σ ∘ α⇒ ∘ B⇒ ∘ id ⊗₁ B⇒
Expand All @@ -161,18 +189,18 @@ module _ {C : Category o ℓ e} {V : Monoidal C} (BV : Braided V) where
τ ∘ τ ⊗₁ id ∘ α⇐

Strength⇒RightStrength : {M : Monad C} Strength V M RightStrength V M
Strength⇒RightStrength {M} strength = record
{ strengthen = right-strengthen
Strength⇒RightStrength : (BV : Braided V) RightStrength V M
Strength⇒RightStrength BV = record
{ strengthen = right-strengthen BV
; identityˡ = identityˡ'
; η-comm = η-comm'
; μ-η-comm = μ-η-comm'
; strength-assoc = right-strength-assoc
; strength-assoc = right-strength-assoc BV
open LeftStrength strength
open Monad M using (F; μ; η)
module strength = Strength strength
open Braided BV hiding (_⊗₀_)
open BraidedProps BV using (braiding-coherence; inv-braiding-coherence)
module strength = Strength left
module t = strength.strengthen
B = braiding.⇒.η
open BraidedProps.Shorthands BV using () renaming (σ⇐ to B⇐)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,16 +231,62 @@ module _ {C : Category o ℓ e} {V : Monoidal C} (BV : Braided V) where
F.₁ B⇐ ∘ t.η (Y , X) ∘ (id ⊗₁ μ.η X) ∘ B ((F.₀ (F.₀ X)) , Y) ≈˘⟨ pullʳ (pullʳ (braiding.⇒.commute (μ.η X , id))) ⟩
τ (X , Y) ∘ μ.η X ⊗₁ id ∎

StrongMonad⇒RightStrongMonad : StrongMonad V RightStrongMonad V
StrongMonad⇒RightStrongMonad SM = record { M = M ; rightStrength = Strength⇒RightStrength strength }
open StrongMonad SM
StrongMonad⇒RightStrongMonad : {V : Monoidal C}
Braided V StrongMonad V RightStrongMonad V
StrongMonad⇒RightStrongMonad BV SM = record
{ M = M
; rightStrength = Left.Strength⇒RightStrength strength BV
where open StrongMonad SM

module Right {V : Monoidal C} {M : Monad C} (right : RightStrength V M) where

open Category C using (_⇒_)
open Monoidal V using (_⊗₀_)
open Monad M using (F)

private module right = RightStrength right

RightStrength⇒Strength : {M : Monad C} RightStrength V M Strength V M
RightStrength⇒Strength {M} rightStrength = {! !}
module Shorthands where
module τ = right.strengthen

RightStrongMonad⇒StrongMonad : RightStrongMonad V StrongMonad V
RightStrongMonad⇒StrongMonad RSM = record { M = M ; strength = RightStrength⇒Strength rightStrength }
τ : {X Y} F.₀ X ⊗₀ Y ⇒ F.₀ (X ⊗₀ Y)
τ {X} {Y} = τ.η (X , Y)

open Shorthands

-- In a braided monoidal category, a right strength induces a left strength.

RightStrength⇒Strength : Braided V Strength V M
RightStrength⇒Strength BV = record
{ strengthen = strengthen
; identityˡ = identityˡ
; η-comm = η-comm
; μ-η-comm = μ-η-comm
; strength-assoc = strength-assoc
open RightStrongMonad RSM
left₁ : Strength (Reverse-Monoidal V) M
left₁ = leftInReversed right

right₂ : RightStrength (Reverse-Monoidal V) M
right₂ = Left.Strength⇒RightStrength left₁ (Reverse-Braided BV)

-- Note: this is almost what we need, but Reverse-Monoidal is
-- not a strict involution (some of the coherence laws are
-- have proofs that are not strictly identical to their
-- original counterparts). But this does not matter
-- structurally, so we can just re-package the components we
-- need.
left₂ : Strength (Reverse-Monoidal (Reverse-Monoidal V)) M
left₂ = leftInReversed right₂

open Strength left₂

RightStrongMonad⇒StrongMonad : {V : Monoidal C}
Braided V RightStrongMonad V StrongMonad V
RightStrongMonad⇒StrongMonad BV RSM = record
{ M = M
; strength = Right.RightStrength⇒Strength rightStrength BV
where open RightStrongMonad RSM

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