AFSY stands for "Association Francophone des utilisateurs de Symfony". See for more informations.
First you need to contact one of the administrators with your email and sensiolabs connect id: you may fill an issue to contact one of them.
Then, you will be able to log in into the Afsy website Back Office: You can register new Articles and Authors. When your article is done and published, spread the world on social networks!
- PHP 8.0 / Composer
- Symfony cli
- Docker
- NodeJS / Yarn
Run it locally:
$ symfony composer install
$ docker-compose up -d
$ symfony console doctrine:schema:create
$ symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load
$ yarn install
$ yarn dev
$ symfony serve
Install assets and run yarn:
$ bin/console assets:i
$ yarn watch
You need rights to the SymfonyCloud account and deploy with the following command.
$ symfony deploy
See SymfonyCloud documentation for more. (note that you can create environment by pull request on demand).