Small projects created on my way to iOS nirvana
The files are public domain - unless there is a different note (by their respective authors) on the top of some files.
For example few projects use an CC BY-SA 3.0 licensed SVG-file by Denelson83, Wikimedia Commons
To compile some of the projects you need to install CocoaPods:
sudo gem update --system
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup
and then run in the project dir:
pod install
AdaptiveWeather from the tutorial Adaptive Layout Tutorial: Getting Started:
Anagrams from the tutorial How To Make a Letter / Word Game with UIKit:
CoreDataTutorial2 from the tutorial Core Data Tutorial for iOS: Getting Started:
FailedBankCD from the tutorial Core Data Tutorial for iOS: Getting Started:
FetchJsonEscapable based on Swiftful Thinking code by Nick Sarno:
JsonPlayground parse JSON into a [[String:Any]] for NSBatchInsertRequest:
MyFruits with images by Gerald_G @
NaviLinkLocalized localized version of the NaviLinkProg project below:
NaviLinkProg programmatically activate NavigationLink in a List ForEach:
ParseJsonEnum parse array of arrays and refer to the inner array elements by name:
Recognizer by TomSwift:
Tops1 SwiftUI, Core Data, Localization, observe UserDefaults from TopViewModel:
TopsBatchInsert NSBatchInsertRequest does not work with multiple constraints: uid,language and fails with NSCoreDataOptimisticLockingFailureConflictsKey:
TopsMultiple multiple Core Data contexts:
TransApp Core Data Transformable type for arrays: