Evaluation scripts for "Self-supervised vision-langage alignment of deep learning representations for bone X-rays analysis"
Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
This repository uses hydra configuration files in the "config" folder. You may need to adapt the location of your datasets in the respective configuration files in the config/dataset/ folder.
It uses the following datasets:
- FracAtlas
You can find pretrained models from the paper here
To run the classification script, do as follow:
python classification.py dataset=dataset eval_type=eval_type vision_model=vision_model
while replacing "dataset", "eval_type" and "vision_model" by the desired configuration file name for each.
To run the regression script, do as follow:
python regression.py dataset=dataset eval_type=eval_type vision_model=vision_model
while replacing "dataset", "eval_type" and "vision_model" by the desired configuration file name for each.
nb: The development of the detection script was abandoned, but we've kept it available in case anyone is interested.