This repository describes the analysis performed in the paper Mann et al. 2020. Do I have something in my teeth? The trouble with genetic analyses of diet from archaeological dental calculus. Quaternary International
This repository assumes you are running in a Unix environment (e.g. Mac OSX or Linux) and you have conda installed.
To get this repository:
- Install and set up up anaconda or miniconda as described at the bioconda documentation, including setting up channels.
- Clone this repository to your machine and change into the directory with
git clone && cd diet_calculus/
- Run the following command to install the one of the environments
conda env create -f environment.yml
- To load a given environment run
conda activate mann2020_<analysis_name>
- To turn off the environment run
conda deactivate
This repository contains a directory for each analysis.
Within each directories a Conda environment.yaml
file for the particular
analysis' software, a README describing the procedure of analysis, and
intermediate and results files. Note that some intermediate files are not
contained here due to large sizes (e.g. raw sequencing data and databases).