A group project for Database Management class. I worked with 14 teammates to draft our business requirements, create entity relationship diagrams, and code SQL queries for crucial business functions, such as filtering the front-end gallery page by plant care options. As a solo developer, I wrote backend logic using Express.js, Node.js, and Tedious.js to connect our backend application to the school instance of Microsoft SQL Server. After fetching all the product details from the database, products are rendered dynamically on the front-end via HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Mustache.js as the template engine.
More details to be provided soon. Relevant credentials to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server instance have been removed.
Class presentation slides can be found here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eJSqJMvDxjZwF0Cr3f5x16N0HCLEA-_hvCWT9Qw5wHc/edit?usp=sharing
See slides 55-62 to see my solo work specifically.