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wolfram-app-discovery License Documentation


Find local installations of the Wolfram Language and Wolfram applications.

This crate provides:


Using the API

Locate the default Wolfram Language installation on this computer:

use wolfram_app_discovery::WolframApp;

let app = WolframApp::try_default()
    .expect("unable to locate any Wolfram applications");

// Prints a path like:
//   $InstallationDirectory: /Applications/
println!("$InstallationDirectory: {}", app.installation_directory().display());

See also: WolframApp::try_default()

Using the command-line tool

Locate the default Wolfram Language installation on this computer:

$ wolfram-app-discovery default
App type:                           Mathematica
Wolfram Language version:           13.1.0
Application directory:              /Applications/Wolfram/

See for more information on the wolfram-app-discovery command-line interface.

Scenario: Building a LibraryLink library

Suppose you have the following C program that provides a function via the Wolfram LibraryLink interface, which you would like to compile and call from Wolfram Language:

#include "WolframLibrary.h"

/* Adds one to the input, returning the result  */
DLLEXPORT int increment(
  WolframLibraryData libData,
  mint argc,
  MArgument *args,
  MArgument result
) {
    mint arg = MArgument_getInteger(args[0]);
    MArgument_setInteger(result, arg + 1);
    return LIBRARY_NO_ERROR;

To successfully compile this program, a C compiler will need to be able to find the included "WolframLibrary.h" header file. We can use wolfram-app-discovery to get the path to the appropriate directory:

# Get the LibraryLink includes directory
$ export WOLFRAM_C_INCLUDES=`wolfram-app-discovery default --raw-value library-link-c-includes-directory`

And then pass that value to a C compiler:

# Invoke the C compiler
$ clang increment.c -I$WOLFRAM_C_INCLUDES -shared -o libincrement

The resulting compiled library can be loaded into Wolfram Language using LibraryFunctionLoad and then called:

func = LibraryFunctionLoad["~/libincrement", "increment", {Integer}, Integer];

func[5]  (* Returns 6 *)

Installing wolfram-app-discovery

Download wolfram-app-discovery releases.

Precompiled binaries for the wolfram-app-discovery command-line tool are available for all major platforms from the GitHub Releases page.

Using cargo

wolfram-app-discovery can be installed using cargo (the Rust package manager) by executing:

$ cargo install --features=cli wolfram-app-discovery

This will install the latest version of wolfram-app-discovery from


The default method used to locate a Wolfram Language installation (WolframApp::try_default()) will use the following steps to attempt to locate any local installations, returning the first one found:

  1. The location specified by the WOLFRAM_APP_DIRECTORY environment variable, if set.
  2. If wolframscript is on PATH, use it to locate the system installation.
  3. Check in the operating system applications directory.

Configuration example

Specify a particular Wolfram Language installation to use (on macOS):

$ export WOLFRAM_APP_DIRECTORY="/Applications/"

This environment variable is checked by both the wolfram-app-discovery library and command-line executable.


Licensed under either of

at your option.

Wolfram application licenses

Wolfram applications are covered by different licensing terms than wolfram-app-discovery.

Wolfram Engine Community Edition is a free distribution of the Wolfram Language, licensed for personal and non-production use cases.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

See for more information.

See for instructions on how to perform common development tasks when contributing to this project.

See for instructions on how to maintain this project.


Locate local installations of the Wolfram Language.







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  • Rust 100.0%