READ ME for Litter removal increases plant diversity by promoting both native and exotic forbs in heavily invaded coastal sage scrub in California, USA
accepted at Restoration Ecology
November 11th, 2024
Advyth Ramachandran
PhD Student, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder
Undergraduate Student, Department of Ecology, Evolution, & Organismal Biology; Center for Conservation Biology; University of California, Riverside
If using the code in this study, please cite this repository and the paper.
If using the dataset, please cite the Dryad dataset (DOI: 10.5061/dryad.3xsj3txrj) and the paper.
Make sure to run the scripts in the numerical order of the .Rmd/.R files. There are dependencies due to the generation of different processed data files.
For more information on the modeling choices, please see the Supplemental Information for the manuscript.
For more information on the datasets and metadata, please see the dataset deposited at Dryad (DOI: 10.5061/dryad.3xsj3txrj).
Directory Structure
- contains all figures generated in the study
- contains final, formatted datasets deposited at Dryad. Generated by formatting the data files in processed_data for readability.
- contains data products generated/calculated from the raw data
- contains "raw" but cleaned data (before summarizing or post-processing) for each year, downloaded weather data (see paper for citation), and a table of which treatments were applied to each plot.
- R Markdown and R script files to generate all figures/results in the study.
- model outputs
other files
- scripts to create the global plotting theme used in the study