In order to evaluate engineering candidates' skill sets, we provide this small sample project for candidates to complete.
You should fork this repo to your own github account to provide your own solution. The solution should be built using Vue.js and solve the following requirements.
Provided in this repo is a json data file (business-list.json). This contains a list of businesses, the category associated with the business, number of campaigns associated with the business and a location specified in latitude and longitude for the business. Using this list you should:
- Build a landing page which renders this list as a table without the location data
- The list should be sortable by all columns by clicking the column header
- Have a search input box above the table which will filter the list by the business name
- Clicking on the business name in the list will open a new page
- This new page should display the business name at the top
- The location for the business should be placed as a marker inside of a google map (or other map library)
- Add to or replace this with instructions on how to run and test your solution
We will schedule time for you to come in and talk us through your completed project.