Affected versions of http-signature
contain a vulnerability which can allow an attacker in a privileged network position to modify header names and change the meaning of the request, without requiring an updated signature.
This problem occurs because vulnerable versions of http-signature
sign the contents of headers, but not the header names.
Proof of Concept
Consider this to be the initial, untampered request:
POST /pay HTTP/1.1
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2012 21:31:40 GMT
X-Payment-Source: [email protected]
X-Payment-Destination: [email protected]
Authorization: Signature keyId="Test",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="x-payment-source x-payment-destination" MDyO5tSvin5...
And the request is intercepted and tampered as follows:
X-Payment-Source: [email protected] // Emails switched
X-Payment-Destination: [email protected]
Authorization: Signature keyId="Test",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="x-payment-destination x-payment-source" MDyO5tSvin5...
In the resulting responses, both requests would pass signature verification without issue.
[email protected]\n
[email protected]\n
Update to version 0.10.0 or higher.
Affected versions of
contain a vulnerability which can allow an attacker in a privileged network position to modify header names and change the meaning of the request, without requiring an updated signature.This problem occurs because vulnerable versions of
sign the contents of headers, but not the header names.Proof of Concept
Consider this to be the initial, untampered request:
And the request is intercepted and tampered as follows:
In the resulting responses, both requests would pass signature verification without issue.
Update to version 0.10.0 or higher.