Releases: advanc3dUA/Flash-Chat
Releases · advanc3dUA/Flash-Chat
Flash-Chat v1.0
This is a chat with registration & login page for any amount of users. Uses Firebase, so please read the requirements. Part of iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp course (link).
- You need to get and put in project's folder your own GoogleService-info.plist file which contains your API key. You can get it by registering here. Also you need to create your Firebase project and connect this iOS-project with it.
- MVC model to make my code clean & readable
- UIKit based
- Cocoapods: CLTypingLabel, Firebase
- Cloud functionality powered by Google Firebase
- Standart register with e-mail & login behaviour
- Separates your messages from posts sent by other users
The project Flash-Chat is distributed under MIT license.