by Daniel Morales-Garcia and Adrian Abeyta
This is a simple disease simulation application intended to model the
spread of a contagious disease. Exposure is calculated based on distance
in a radius between agents, which defaults to 20 centimeters.
Specific starting conditions are read from a text file as outlined below.
The simulation field is also customizable in size and layout.
java -jar DiseaseSimulation.jar "C:\Path\to\configfile.txt"
Where configfile.txt is is the configuration file for the simulation.
Use quotation marks if your path has a space in it. Make sure you have JavaFX JDK17 on your system.
There is three buttons on the simulation GUI. Start, Stop, and Reset. After stopping the simulation, you cannot continue,
your only option is to restart a new simulation.
One configuration setting per line.
Each line generally follows an optionname [option1] [option2]...
dimensions n m
Width and height of simulation field in pixels (100 < n < 770). Default: 200 for both
exposuredistance n
Radius of distance n
cm of contagiousness between agents. Default: 20
incubation n
Incubation period n
measured in days. However, this is scaled down to
seconds when running the simulation. Default: 5
sickness n
Length of time in n
days that an agent either recovers or dies. Default: 10
recover p
Probability p
that an agent will recover and become immune, as opposed to die. Default: 0.95
initialsick n
Number n
agents that start sick at the beginning of the simulation.
Default: 1
initialimmune n
Number n
agents that are naturally immune to the disease at the beginning
of the simulation. Default: 0
agent n
Number n
of agents for "random" play option. (must be less than 120) Default: 20
asymptomatic p
Probability p
that an agent will be asymptomatic (0.00 - 1.00), meaning that an agent can pass on the disease
without being sick themselves. Asymptomatic agents will always become immune. Default: 0.05
initialimmune n
Number n
of agents that are initially immune to the disease. Default: 2
longterm p
Probability p
that an agent will recover from disease with long term health side affects. (0.00 - 1.00) Default: 0.10
grid r c
Creates a grid r
rows and c
columns in size with agents filling every cell.
randomgrid r c n
Same as above, except n
specifies a number of agents to generate randomly
throughout the grid.
random n
Generates n
agents and places them randomly throughout the simulation
field area.
Each test file can only contain 1 layout type
Default: Randomly place 100 agents or random 100
After running the program, and starting the simulation. There will be an output of the simulation activity printed out on
your terminal
Agent 54 is sick on day 5
Agent 51 is asymptomatic on day 5
Agent 86 is dead on day 18
Agent 68 is Immune on day 18
Green agents are the initial state of most agents, and means that the agent is healthy, and has not come in contact with
the disease (not immune)
a sick agent
yellow means that an agent has come in contact with a sick agent but is not sick just yet.
Orange is a asymptomatic agent. Which means that they are carrying and passing on the disease, but are not sick themselves.
a light blue agent is an agent that has been infected with the disease and recovered.
darker blue
a darker blue agent is an agent that has been infected with the disease and recovered, but will sustain long term health side affects from the disease.
an agent killed by the disease.
1. rerun simulation
2. initial immunity
3. display history
4. additional states (healthy, longterm health effects, asymptomatic)