Built with Spring Boot and Gradle.
Now, run the following command to build and run:
./gradlew build && java -jar build/libs/crm-service-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
If it is already built, you can use the Spring Boot Gradle plugin to run the app:
gradle bootRun
Service will be running at localhost:8080.
Check the Wiki if you want to learn how the service works!
Also,you can check the API Docs generated by Swagger and Swagger UI:
Run and check!
You can build a Docker image to run the service (Dockerfile provided).
First, build the image:
docker build -t org/appname .
Next and finally, run it:
docker run -p port1:port2 org/appname
- Customer domain definition, service, repository and rest controller
- Image storage service and rest controller
- Users domain definition, service, repository and rest controller
- Authentication and authorization system
- Service containerization
- Testing, testing and... more testing
- OAuth 2 authentication protocol integration