💥 Breaking Change
- Update minimum supported Node.js version to 10
🚀 Enhancement
- #40 Use HTML meta to store asset map information (@krallin)
- #41 Passthrough fingerprinted paths (@krallin)
- #43 Remove jQuery (@NullVoxPopuli)
🐛 Bug Fix
- #54 Ensure that we don't write
into the<meta>
element value (@Turbo87) - #51 Fall back to name in resolve (@mydea)
- #53 Fix broken
mutation (@Turbo87) - #42 Catch errors if asset-map fails to load (@headquarters)
Committers: 5
- Francesco Novy (@mydea)
- L. Preston Sego III (@NullVoxPopuli)
- Michael Head (@headquarters)
- Thomas Orozco (@krallin)
- Tobias Bieniek (@Turbo87)