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This branch is 82 commits behind scotttrinh/angular-localForage:master.

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angular-localForage Build Status

Angular service & directive for (Offline storage, improved.)

This angularJS module is a rewrite of angular-local-storage by grevory and angularLocalStorage by agrublev using the excellent Mozilla library localForage

Features :

  • Store your data in the best available storage solution that your browser can offer (IndexedDB / WebSQL or localstorage as a fallback)

  • All browsers are supported starting at IE8. For the full list check: IndexedDB support, WebSQL support and localstorage support

  • Everything is async and uses promises

  • Use the service or the directive

Usage :

  • Download the project or install via bower bower install angular-localforage or npm npm install angular-localforage
  • Download localForage
  • Put angular-localForage.js and localforage.js into you project
  • Add the module LocalForageModule to your application
angular.module('yourModule', ['LocalForageModule']);
  • (optional) Configure the $localForageProvider. See below for details.
  • Use the $localForage service or the local-forage directive
angular.module('yourModule', ['LocalForageModule'])
.controller('yourCtrl', ['$scope', '$localForage', function($scope, $localForage) {
    $localForage.setItem('myName','Olivier Combe').then(function() {
        $localForage.getItem('myName').then(function(data) {
            var myName = data;
<input local-forage="{key: 'autoStoredKey', name: 'myApp', scopeKey: 'myObj.myVar', defaultValue: 'this is the default value'}" ng-model="myObj.myVar" placeholder="This will be auto stored">

Functions :

  • setDriver(driver): you can force the driver to use, check the localForage documentation for more information

  • driver(): returns the current localForage driver (sync)

  • setItem(key/Array<key>, value/Array<value>): stores data (async, promise)

  • getItem(key/Array<key>): retrieves stored data (async, promise)

  • removeItem(key/Array<key>): removes stored data (async, promise)

  • pull(key/Array<key>): removes stored data and returns it (it's like doing getItem followed by removeItem) (async, promise)

  • clear(): removed all stored data for your application based on the app prefix (async, promise)

  • key(n): retrieves the key at n position in storage. It doesn't take the prefix into account if you use localStorage (async, promise)

  • keys(): returns all the keys used for storage in your application (async, promise)

  • length(): returns the number of items stored (async, promise)

  • iterate(iteratorCallback): Iterate over all value/key pairs in datastore. (async, promise)

Iterate supports early exit by returning non undefined value inside iteratorCallback callback. Resulting value will be passed to the promise as the result of iteration. You can use this to make a search in your data:

$localForage.iterate(function(value, key) {
    if(angular.isInt(value) && value > 10) {
        return key;
}).then(function(data) {
    // data is the key of the value > 10
  • bind($scope, key/params object): lets you directly bind a LocalForage value to a $scope variable (async, promise)
$localForage.bind($scope, 'myStorageKey');
$localForage.bind($scope, {
    key: 'myStorageKey', // required
    defaultValue: {test: 'my test'}, // a default value
    scopeKey: 'myObj.myVar', // the name of the scope key (if you want it to be different from key)
    name: 'myApp' // instance name
  • unbind($scope, key[, scopeKey]): lets you unbind a variable from localForage while removing the value from both the scope and the storage (async, promise)

Directive :

You can directly bind a scope value from within your html. With the local-forage directive, you can either use just the key parameter:

<input local-forage="autoStoredKey" ng-model="autoStoredKey" placeholder="This will be auto stored">

Or give an object parameter:

<input local-forage="{key: 'autoStoredKey', name: 'myApp', scopeKey: 'myObj.myVar', defaultValue: 'this is the default value'}" ng-model="myObj.myVar" placeholder="This will be auto stored">

key is the only required parameter. The other options are:

  • name: if you want to store your values in a specific instance (See below for more info on multiple instances)
  • scopeKey: if you want to store the value in the scope under a different key from the one in storage. You can for example use a specific key of an object by using myObj.myVar
  • defaultValue: if you want to define a ...default value

Configure the provider :

You can configure the $localForageProvider. Any parameter that you set here will be the default for any new localforage instance. You can for example set your own prefix for storage (by default lf is used).

angular.module('yourModule', ['LocalForageModule'])
.config(['$localForageProvider', function($localForageProvider){
        driver      : 'localStorageWrapper', // if you want to force a driver
        name        : 'myApp', // name of the database and prefix for your data, it is "lf" by default
        version     : 1.0, // version of the database, you shouldn't have to use this
        storeName   : 'keyvaluepairs', // name of the table
        description : 'some description'

You can also choose to be notified by broadcast on set and remove.

angular.module('yourModule', ['LocalForageModule'])
.config(['$localForageProvider', function($localForageProvider){
    $localForageProvider.setNotify(true, true); // itemSet, itemRemove

The broadcast are the following :

$rootScope.$broadcast('LocalForageModule.setItem', {key: key, newvalue: value, driver: localforage.driver});
$rootScope.$broadcast('LocalForageModule.removeItem', {key: key, driver: localforage.driver});

Multiple instances

You can use multiple instances of localForage at the same time. To create a new instance, call createInstance with a config object (sync):

    var lf2 = $localForage.createInstance({
		name: '2nd',
		driver: 'localStorageWrapper'

The parameters will inherit the default parameters that you might have configured in the config phase of your application (See above for details), but the new config object will overwrite them. It means that you can have one instance using localStorage, and one instance using indexedDB/WebSQL, at the same time ! The instance will take the name that you will define in the config object. You can get an instance previously created by using the instance method:

    var lf2 = $localForage.instance('2nd');

The instance method will return the default instance if you don't give a name parameter.

Unit tests

Download the required libs :

npm install

Then start the tests with :

npm test

It will launch Chrome and Firefox, edit karma.conf.js if you want to change something. We could use more tests, see "contributing" below.


I would love to have community contributions and support! A few areas where could use help right now:

  • Writing tests
  • Elaborating on documentation
  • Creating examples for the docs
  • Bug reports and/or fixes

If you want to contribute, please submit a pull request, or contact [email protected] for more information.

The commits messages need to be validated. Use the following commands to add a git hook that will check if you follow the convention :

  • cd <angular-localForage-repo>
  • ln -s ../../validate-commit-msg.js .git/hooks/commit-msg

When you commit your messages, follow this convention : <type>: <subject> <BLANK LINE> <optional message>

For example:

feat: Added validation commit msg file

 * cd <angular-localForage-repo>
 * ln -s ../../validate-commit-msg.js .git/hooks/commit-msg

The following types are accepted in the commit messages:

  • feat
  • fix
  • docs
  • style
  • refactor
  • perf
  • test
  • chore
  • revert

But only feat/fix/docs/perf will be in the changelog.

If you do a breaking change, add an explanation preceded by BREAKING CHANGE: . For example:

fix: remove deprecated promise unwrapping

BREAKING CHANGE: promise unwrapping has been removed.
It can no longer be turned on.

If you want to reference an issue, you can add a new line with either Closes or Fixes followed by the issue number. For example:

feat: Added changelog auto generation

Usage: gulp changelog

Fixes #62

You can fix / close multiple issue with one commit, just add a new line for each.


Angular service & directive for (Offline storage, improved.)







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