explaining AASd130 #662
1 error
Check the title and description of the pull request
The message 1 is invalid:
* The subject must start with a capitalized word, but the current first word is: "explaining". Please capitalize to: "Explaining".
* The subject must start with a verb in imperative mood, but it started with: "explaining". Whether the word is in imperative mood is determined by whitelisting. The general whitelist is available at https://github.com/mristin/opinionated-commit-message/blob/master/src/mostFrequentEnglishVerbs.ts. You can whitelist additional verbs using "additional-verbs" input to your GitHub action (currently no additional verbs were thus specified). Moreover, you can also whitelist additional verbs in a file given as "path-to-additional-verbs" input to your GitHub action (currently the file is: .github/workflows/AdditionalVerbsInImperativeMood.txt). Please check the whitelist and either change the first word of the subject or whitelist the verb.
* The line 6 of the message (line 4 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 93 characters: "the changes were already approved in PR https://github.com/admin-shell-io/aas-specs/pull/381". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
The original message was:
explaining AASd130
adding changes of https://github.com/admin-shell-io/aas-specs/pull/381
with respect to explaining AASd130
the changes were already approved in PR https://github.com/admin-shell-io/aas-specs/pull/381