The repo uses a git bare repo, with it's working directory at $HOME
. So cloning the repo properly will setup all files in the correct location, and requires no extra work.
- add this alias to your
for easy operation
alias gitdotf='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
- ignore repo to avoid some recursion
echo "$HOME/dotfiles" >> .gitignore
- clone the bare repo, and ignore untracked files
git clone --bare $HOME/dotfiles
gitdotf config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
- checkout the content to your
gitdotf checkout
- install the following suckless programs, for general functionality
- window manager, dwm
- terminal emulator, st
- lockscreen, slock
- launcher, dmenu
- dunst for notifications
- nerd-fonts for glyph support(I use iosevka nerd fonts) and IPAfonts for japanese fonts.
- pywal for setting up the color-schemes
- mupdf for
previews - make sure
is in you$PATH
for volume, brightness and dmenu scripts to function properly - make sure your
sources the.bashrc
to have the environment variables set for the login shell.
gvfs, gvfs-mtp, polkit, syncthing, signal-desktop, cowsay, fortune-mod ueberzug(ranger img previews) enable iwd, systemd-resolvd, syncthing etc.