Simple Craigslist Scraper using puppeteer and cheerio(cheerio enables us to use jQuery on the server side)
Scrapes all the Job listings for a given Location/link and stores them in a JSON file.
DOWNLOAD the .zip file or clone the rep.
cd to the folder where the where the sttarting files exist .
Install the dependencies from your package.json file OR Run the following command
$ npm install
After the installation is complete run the following command .
$ node index.js
the scraped data is already present in the 'scrapedData.json' file . BEFORE '$ node index.js' copy the stored data to some other place (for futher use) delete the entire content of 'scrapedData.json' and then run '$ node index.js' or else newly scraped data might get appended to the previously present data . Refer to the comments in the source code for more info .