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Command Line Interface for Clever Cloud.


# openssl-dev is needed
apt-get install openssl-dev# on apt systems

npm install -g clever-tools

# Install completion scripts


On Mac OSX just install it with Homebrew

brew install CleverCloud/tap/clever-tools

How to use


To use clever-tools, you have to login.

clever login

It will open a page in your browser. Copy the provided token and secret codes in the CLI.

clever login tries to open a browser through xdg-open on GNU/Linux systems (and in bash for windows). Make sure you have xdg-utils available as well as a default browser set (or you can copy and paste the URL displayed in the console.

Create an application

clever create <name> --type <type> \
  [--region <region>] \
  [--org <organisation>] \
  [--alias <alias>]

Where type is one of:

  • docker: for Docker-based applications
  • go: for Go applications
  • gradle: for applications launched with gradle
  • haskell: for haskell applications
  • jar: for applications deployed as standalone jar files
  • maven: for applications launched with maven
  • node: for node.js applications
  • php: for PHP applications
  • play1: for Play1 applications
  • play2: for Play2 applications
  • python: for python27 applications
  • ruby: for ruby applications
  • rust: for rust applications
  • sbt: for applications launched with SBT
  • static-apache: for static (HTML only) websites
  • war: for applications deployed as war files

Where region is one of:

  • par (for Paris)
  • mtl (for Montreal)

--org allows you to chose the organisation in which your app is created.

--alias allows you to deploy the same application in multiple environments on Clever Cloud (eg: production, testing, …)

Link an existing application

clever link [--org <ORG-NAME>] <APP-NAME> [--alias <alias>]

Where APP-NAME is the name of your application, and ORG-NAME is the name of the organisation it's in. You can specify a complete application id instead of its name (in that case, --org can be omitted).

Deploy an application

clever deploy [--alias <alias>]

--alias allows you to deploy your application several times on Clever Cloud (eg: production, testing, …)

Application status

clever status [--alias <alias>]

Change application scalability

clever scale [--alias <alias>] [--min-flavor <minflavor>] [--max-flavor <maxflavor>] [--min-instances <mininstances>] [--max-instances <maxinstances>]

Logs Drains

# create drain
clever drain create [--alias <alias>] <DRAIN-TYPE> <DRAIN-URL> [--username <username>] [--password <password>]
# list drains
clever drain [--alias <alias>]
# remove drain
clever drain remove [--alias <alias>] <DRAIN-ID>

Where DRAIN-TYPE is one of:

  • TCPSyslog: for TCP syslog endpoint ;
  • UDPSyslog: for UDP syslog endpoint ;
  • HTTP: for TCP syslog endpoint (note that this endpoint has optional username/password parameters as HTTP Basic Authentication);
  • ElasticSearch: for ElasticSearch endpoint (note that this endpoint requires username/password parameters as HTTP Basic Authentication).

Display help

You can display help about each command with clever help.

clever help
clever help deploy


  cd node_project
  clever login
  clever create "Node.js application" -t node -r mtl
  clever deploy

How to send feedback?

Send us an email! or submit an issue.


The official command line interface for Clever Cloud







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