#THIS PROJECT IS BEING UPDATED TO WORK WITH STATZ PLEASE BE PAITENT. Stats3 is being abandoned so i am updating code to support statz
Testing Status: Not Fully Functional
SQL Varibles switched to new table entries
Distance Working
Players Tracked Working
Kills Working
Deaths Working
Get top 10 lists working. (partial working now traveller and deaths working)
Get Players List working.
Add New Block and Entity Images
WEBStatsX Reloaded is a continuation of the work from cynexit's project. All help and support is needed so please feel free to contribute to this project to have it up and running sooner.
It displays nearly everything you can get out of the collected data, it is also working on small screens (mobile phones, tablets).
=== What do I need? === You need to have the Stats plugin up and running, additionally you'll need to have a web server (any will do, apache, nginx etc.) and PHP (at least 5.3, not tested with 5.2).
=== Where do I get it? ===
- Direct Download from github (master.zip)
=== How do I install it? ===
- Extract all files of the archive to your desired folder in the web server directory.
- Open the config_demo.php file, enter your server values.
- Rename config_demo.php to config.php
- Done