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Adam's Dot Files

These configuration files set up my command line interface.


I hack on Mac OS X and changes will be necessary for Linux users, however I am currently attempting to make these dotfiles cross-platform. Send me pull requests with any changes in this regard.


Clone this repository into ~/.dotfiles, change directory into ~/.dotfiles, and execute the rake install task.

####Installation one-liner curl -L | sh


(1.) Launch Zsh:


(2.) Clone the repository

    git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles

(3.) Set Zsh as your default shell

    chsh -s /bin/zsh

(4.) Rake install

    cd ~/.dotfiles
    rake install

Rake will never replace existing files but back them up into ~/.dotfiles_backup. The dot files will be symbolically linked into the home directory. Templates will be rendered in place then symbolically linked. Since the Rakefile is currently Mac OS X specific, it must be edited for use with key chains on other operating systems. I welcome pull requests that add support for additional password managers.

Whats included

  • Zsh configurations (zshrc, zpreztorc, zshenv, zlogin)
  • dir_colors for gnu terminal coloring
  • git global configurations (gitconfig, gitignore)
  • pianobar pandora terminal client
  • netrc.rrc for FTP defaults
  • Rakefile to install it all


Prezto Zsh configuration framework

sorin theme

Zsh configuration is done useing the Prezto framework, originally a fork of oh-my-zsh. Personal styles are changed in zpreztorc

  1. For a list of themes, type prompt -l.
  2. To preview a theme, type prompt -p name.
  3. Load the theme you like in ~/.zpreztorc then open a new Zsh terminal window or tab.

In the sorin theme shown above, the following symbols show vim, git, and working directory status.

Left Prompt

  • prezto — The current working directory.
  • git:master:merge — Git branch and state.
  • ❯❯❯ — Prompt: type after this.

Right Prompt

  • V — Vim command mode indicator.
  • ⏎ — Non-zero return.
  • ✚ — Git added.
  • ⬆ - Git ahead.
  • ⬇ - Git behind.
  • ✖ — Git deleted.
  • ✱ — Git modified.
  • ➜ — Git renamed.
  • ✭ - Git stashed.
  • ═ — Git non-merged.
  • ◼ — Git untracked.


Some programs require that authentication information is stored in their respective dot files. Instead of managing two separate dot file repositories, one for actual use and another sanitised for sharing, I store authentication information in the Mac OS X Keychain. In this case, the dot files will be generated from files of the same name that end in the .rrc extension, which are Ruby ERB templates.

The .rrc extension, which stands for raw dot file (runcom), is used instead of .erb to not conflict with non dot file ERB templates.

The .rrc syntax is <%= Keychain['Entry Name'].account %> and <%= Keychain['Entry Name'].password %> respectively. For example, this is a .netrc snippet.

login <%= Keychain['ftp_host'].account %>
password <%= Keychain['ftp_host'].password %>

The disadvantage of this method is that the dot files cannot be installed via SSH because Mac OS X disallows Keychain access.

Terminals has mouse support. If you favour in continuing to use, which does not have mouse support under Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, there are hacks available to improve it. Install SIMBL then install under ~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins the following plugins.


Suggestions/improvements welcome!

Thanks to…