A comparison of various machine learning models on the task of classifying heart arrhythmia from 1-lead ECG on publicly available datasets (CINC2017 and CPSC2018).
Implemented for my bachelor's thesis ECG Arrhythmia Detection and Classification at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University.
The code was tested on Fedora 32 with Python 3.8.3. A Linux system is recommended for running this package, as it was not tested on Windows. For training neural network models, a GPU with CUDA support and at least 8 GB of GPU RAM is recommended. The detection uses around 14 GB RAM, so at least 24 GB are recommended.
- Install Anaconda if not yet installed.
- Reproduce the Conda environment and activate it.
conda env create -f environment_cuda.yml
for PyTorch CUDA support.conda env create -f environment_cpu.yml
for no CUDA support.conda activate ecg
- Run the detection.
python -m detection
- Install Anaconda if not yet installed.
- Create a new Conda virtual environment and activate it.
conda create -n ecg -c pytorch python=3.8 pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2
for PyTorch CUDA support.conda create -n ecg -c pytorch python=3.8 pytorch torchvision cpuonly
for no CUDA support.conda activate ecg
- Install all required Python packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the detection.
python -m detection
For all the supported parameters, you can print the help:
python -m detection -h
This module downloads all needed datasets, makes the train-val-test split, extracts features, trains models and evaluates them automatically. The runtime depends on the number of steps already done.
These are approximate runtimes on Intel i7-6800K, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti:
- downloading data: 70 minutes
- train-val-test split: 1 minute
- feature extraction: 30 minutes
- model training: 2-3 hours
- model evaluation: 1 minute
This work is based on several machine learning, physiological data processing and data science Python libraries. Kudos to all these projects for providing the functionality I used:
- NeuroKit2
- pandas
- plotly.py
- PyTorch
- scikit-learn
- SciPy
- tqdm
- tslearn
- XGBoost
- and to all the others I forgot to mention.