A package to require the approval of changes to Eloquent Models.
Supports Laravel version 10.
composer require adamcmoore/laravel-approvable
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "AcMoore\Approvable\ApprovableServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate
use AcMoore\Approvable\Approvable;
use AcMoore\Approvable\ApprovableContract;
class Article extends Model implements ApprovableContract
use Approvable;
// Only fields set as approvable will be used when considering
// if a new version is required, and only these fields will be
// stored in the new version. If this isn't set, the $fillable
// fields are used.
public $approvable = [
// Optionally set a datetime field on the model to be set with
// the date that the draft was first approved.
protected $timestamp_field_for_first_approved = 'approved_at';
use AcMoore\Approvable\Approvable;
use AcMoore\Approvable\ApprovableContract;
class ArticleImage extends Model implements ApprovableContract
use Approvable;
public $approvable = [
// Set the name of the parent relation.
// Currently only belongsTo has been tested
public $approvable_parent = 'article';
public function article()
return $this->belongsTo(Article::class);
$article = Article::find(1)->get();
$article->title = 'New Title';
$article = $article->has('draft')->with('versions')->first();
// The version with a status of draft, rejected, or approved
$draft = $article->draft;
// An Article model with the draft values filled
$preview = $article->draft->preview;
// Set status of version as approved. Version remains as a draft.
$draft->approve('Optional note regarding decision to approve');
// Set status of version as rejected. Version is removed as a draft.
$draft->reject('Optional note regarding decision to reject');
// Write the draft to the database object
$draft->apply('Optional note regarding decision to apply');
// Ignore the draft
$draft->drop('Optional note regarding decision to drop');
Creating and Deleting will always create a draft when approval is enabled.
Updating will only create a draft when model attributes have been changed.
To always taking a draft, even when no data has been changed, use Model::forceDraft();
after Model::enableApproval()
Model events are fired on the Approvable Model when the status of its draft changes. These can be listened to with an Observer. Events triggered are:
- Add support for creating & deleting non-relation records
- Test & support for other types of relations, other than belongsTo