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Model flow chart and overview

Adam Michael Bauer edited this page Jun 29, 2022 · 4 revisions

Here we provide a brief model overview as well as a flowchart for the model indicating how the model classes interact.

Model overview

TCREZClimate is a dynamical carbon pricing model. The underlying structure is a path dependent binomial tree, which allows information about uncertainty related to the climate and climate impacts to be baked into the model structure. The basic idea is to initiate the tree structure, choose an emissions baseline, calculate the potential damages for an array of mitigation choices, and optimize the utility for particular choices of mitigation. (See the Example Implementations page for further details.)

Each run of TCREZClimate returns an optimal mitigation tree (with shape (num_decision_nodes,)) which in turn leads to an optimal carbon price tree and optimal CO2 concentrations tree (both with the same shape as the optimal mitigation vector). Also returned is the optimal economic utility value in 2020 and the recombined damage coefficients. These are used by the analysis scripts to compute other interesting model quantities, such as the average temperature anomaly in the simulation and the average economic damages. (Note these are averages, as the precise value of TCRE is not assumed to be known at any particular node.)

Any other quantities of interest can be computed from these output quantities.

Model flow chart

TCREZClimate model flow chart.

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