Blogpost for the algorithm:
Keras with a valid backend (eg, tensorflow)
pip install tensorflow
pip install keras
To install optimised Tensorflow backend, go to
The system will start playing randomly against itself with the predefined parameters.
For board size 6x6 with 5 in a row for winning, stopping after random only wins 2% of the games
./ train --boardsize 6 --winsize 5 --stopon 2 --decay 0 --lr 0.001 --layer1size 128 --layer2size 128 --epochs 2 --randomuntil 0 --updatebatchsize 10000
Training time ~5 hours without GPU.
To watch the progress, start
tensorboard --logdir=logs/
and head to http://localhost:6006
The player starts with X. Input the moves in the format of X, Y where X is the row, Y is the column, starting from zero.
./ play --boardsize 6 --winsize 5 --filename gomoku_6_5.h5
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Your move? (x, y) 3,3
| |
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| 0 |
| X |
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| |
Copy-paste boards to STDIN to evaluate it's score based on a model. Boards are separated with two empty lines. End with a CMD+D.
Sample boards are provided in eval_boards.txt
To indicate empty rows add a single space in that line.
./ eval --boardsize 6 --winsize 5 --filename gomoku_6_5.h5