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hl7lw: A Lightweight HL7 2.x Parsing Library

pypi Test-Status

The hl7lw library aims to provide an extremely simple and lightweight API to read, modify, and write HL7 2.x messages. Minimal processing is done to the messages and most data access should feel very natural and pythonic.

The library also includes an MLLP implementation for both client and server.

All objects have docstrings.

import hl7lw

p = hl7lw.Hl7Parser()
m = p.parse_message(message_bytes)

if m["MSH-9.1"] == "ORU":
    m["ORC-1"] = "RP"

message_bytes = p.format_message(m)

report = "\n".join([obx[5] for obx in m.get_segments('OBX') if obx[2] in ('TX', 'FT', 'ST')])

c = hl7lw.MllpClient()
c.connect(host="", port="1234")
ack_bytes = c.recv()

ack_m = p.parse_message(ack_bytes)
assert ack_m["MSA-1.1"] == "AA"
assert m["MSH-10"] == ack_m["MSA-2"]